Beatrix Kiddo 9000

How did Charlotte Rampling not get a Best actress nomination at the BAFTAs of all places?!?!?!?

Same as last year: Janelle Monae - "Tightrope"
Because it's awesome.

I have 8 am classes almost every day this semester. My insomnia has started to become a problem again. I've only gotten 8 hours of sleep total the past three days. I can't study or concentrate because I'm so tired but when I try to sleep I can't seem to do it. I'm so apathetic about school, I just want it to be over

Best of luck dear. I'll send good thoughts your way. Also selfies of my face. Also love. Also Nutella.

I will say the decision to only use natural light definitely works to the films advantage (Sometimes it's hard to tell when there is artificial light in movies, but here it's really obvious that there isn't). But yeah, all I keep hearing about is "this movie was so brutal. It nearly killed everyone on board." Who

I will say the decision to only use natural light definitely works to the films advantage (Sometimes it's hard to tell when there is artificial light in movies, but here it's really obvious that there isn't). But yeah, all I keep hearing about is "this movie was so brutal. It nearly killed everyone on board." Who

It starts really strong. I was really excited for the first 25 minutes of the movie. Then it takes a slow, long descent into "mehhhhhhhhhhhh."

Yes that part (if you will, the VERY ending of the movie) I loved. I just felt as a whole that last third was weaker than the first two.

The Revenant: Holy shit is this movie gorgeous and holy shit is it excessively long, boring and often ridiculous. It is legitimately worth seeing it for the unreal cinematography (and the bear attack scene is tense as fucking hell). I've never seen a movie quite like it…but the story is pretty weak. There are points

I thought Anomalisa was pretty great too! Jennifer Jason Leigh's voice work is stellar, as is Tom Noonan (who voices…a lot of people in the movie). It definitely says a lot about human nature and how we connect to people in very subtle ways. I personally didn't like the seminar speech all that much and felt like

No, I think you're fine. There are plenty of bisexual people who are perfectly content with monogamous relationships and others want open relationships.

You know I don't have sex. If I were to get laid, I would have posted on Savage Love immediately with a comment like "I DID IIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"

I feel like there is a top/bottom gay joke here…but I'm too tired/lazy to think of it.

Cheers to the sex!

Oh I totally get it. During the coming out process, I constantly had thoughts of "Why can't I just be straight?" and when you see a bisexual guy, it's easy for someone to think "they could still have a wife and kids and not be perceived as 'different.'" But my counterpoint would be: deal with it. I think if more

"Oh he's gay. He's just using the Bi thing as a stepping stone."

Yeah that sounds really delicious actually.

I have to wait for more stories? You know I have the patience of a petulant 24-year-old.

I always found the threesome thing strange. Just because someone is attracted to both men and women, that doesn't mean they want to have sex with a man and a woman simultaneously all the time. Having a threesome is a sexual experience, not your entire sexual identity. I've had a couple of threesomes (all male) that

It's because people don't understand bisexuality at all. It's really fucking sad. As a gay guy, I'm constantly embarrassed how the gay community treats bisexual men and women.