Beatrix Kiddo 9000

I saw Carol! Carol Carol Carol! It was amazing. Beyond words. I don't even know how to describe it. I'll get back to you in 26 hours when I'm done emotionally weeping.

I personally think the catfishing isn't worth your time and won't ultimately make you feel better. You're an amazing, insightful and hilarious person who deserves better than this guy.

I'm upvoting this to show support/love for you, not to be like "yay suicide." I just want to make that clear.

I. Hate. Fartlecks. My college cross country coach made me do them once. I had to miss official cross country practice because of class that day so he gave me the workout early. The fartleck workout was really extensive and I ended up running 15 miles, only to find out he changed it to something much easier during the

Doooooo it. I can wing man you from time to time when I'm not on the verge of a nervous breakdown/studying for a pharmacology exam.

Thanks! The average was 6:58, but my miles were all over the place. If I run by myself my mind usually just starts screaming: "Faster, you piece of shit" so my miles, in order, were: 7:20, 7:13, 6:52, 6:47, and the last half mile was 6:18. If I have a running partner they keep me consistent. The point is, I need to

Abbi from Broad City?

I already pledged to my friend that I have to go out once a week. I ended up with a 3.88 GPA last semester, which is really great, but it was at the cost of constant nervous breakdowns and anxiety attacks. If I force myself to go out once a week, I think I can be a little more relaxed and maybe, finally…get laid!!!!

Wang Pain is the title of my autobiography.

So I shouldn't bring my assortment of cock cages to the next AVC meet up?

Yeah, if you can read a snapchat, you have access to your phone. And a text to say "Sorry, got tied up at work. Really sorry. Raincheck?" takes all of four seconds. This guy is full of shit.

Well Deep Blue Sea is a masterpiece of the highest order so this makes sense.

Martin Shkreli is a an absolute piece of shit who raised the price of life-saving drugs while showing no remorse for his actions or any real evidence that he was going to put any of the profits into research. He angers me, right down to his stupid face. Sorry, I just needed to say it.

I feel like weeping just thinking about Weekend. So, so good.

I honestly was surprised at people jumping down Tina Fey's throat for a storyline that was clearly going the absurdist route. That's always her way of dealing with stereotypes: laughing at how absurd they can be. There was a line in 30 Rock where Tracy says "Get me a Black Coffee, and by black coffee I mean a Sunkist."

The fact that Tremblay got nominated at the SAG awards is an encouraging sign…but I'm guess he will just miss the cut at the Oscars for Best Supporting Actor (but he has a shot).

I think people feeling overwhelmed during statistics finals is pretty standard. Last year I took a stats/intro SAS class. We had 3 hours to take the final exam. Two people left before time was called (out of 75 people). The average was a 72% with an 18 point standard deviation. So…I think you're in good company!

Ex Machina, Room, and Spotlight all should have been included. I would have enjoyed seeing Trainwreck make it as well (a surprisingly emotional comedy). I just came back from Star Wars, and while it's far from the best of the year, it's definitely top 20 material.

WHAT? Next you're going to tell me you get paid and earn a living doing this!?!?!

That's all your brain should think!