
So it's unclear why Alexandra expected Elektra to not keep any of her memories, like every one of the leaders of the hand kept their memories when they came back, Harold kept his memories (Though they returned slowly after dying seemingly).

Pretty sure one of the other fingers specifically tells Alexandra at some point that the Black Sky thing was always her thing, and they did not really care about her.


Ah, no I guess she rarely headlines in that sense, but very few women do, Scarlet is probably the only one who does so at the same level as your Cruises and Smiths currently. (At a bargain price too I imagine)

Huh? She's great.

I got a snake I bet she'd like, more innuendo, reveal that I mean a literal snake, etc etc.

So that's all the leaders of The Hand, that kinda sucks. I don't get why they did not make some of them super powered, if The Hand has been around for thousands of years this cannot be the first time they run into an obstacle like Luke Cage.

I forget how openly I can talk about things since this ain't the spoilerspace thing.

Also they appear to have dropped them being ninjas almost entirely, from what we see of the hand in Defenders, they may as well just be generic mobsters.


I don't buy that, who the hell has forgotten he was equating Nazi's to the people protesting them a moment ago, this is just the dumbfuck lingering on the event because he can never let anything go and he's always "right".

Yes…..how could one ever "comparably" replace a public statue, now that statue technology has been entirely lost to us I mean.

He's clearly racist, he might not be a cross burning KKK member (Though his dad may have been) but the scale hardly starts there, and the examples are fucking endless ("Judges mexican heritage makes him unfit to do his job"/"Obama is a Kenyan Muslim" spring to mind)

That's a great point, boobs are probably the biggest (heh) porn genre, with no assurance whatsoever that liking one thing, means you like it all.

Right right, everybody knows you gotta narrow it down, small large huge something. Everyone has boobs!

First Trump now this? Truly the darkest timeline.

Every interjection is annoying, he never adds anything to a joke or says anything funny himself.

It's weird how there's even a Robert E Lee statue to remove, since if one were defending US history, you'd think the wishes of the person you were looking to honor mattered.

I mean I fucking loathed Bush, and thought the rationale for the Iraq war was utter bullshit from the start, but I could conceive how somebody could support the man.

Man that'd be a great way to revitalize the economy, a buck to slap Trump, be like a modern gold rush to DC.