
fuck yeah pdx! these guys are insanely good. check out a live full band version of 'solid gold' via into the woods: http://vimeo.com/36387644

"hot water music" by the band "hot water"
fucking ambiguous cover art! I have absolutely made this kind of mistake before, and it sucked.

anyone put off by the undercover video
should watch this:

stone cold - and anyone who is inclined towards experimental and/or math rock - absolutely check these guys out. they make some the most evocative and soulful yet imaginative and complex music I've ever heard.

"And then we rest, America. Then we rest."
God damn it that was funny.

neil flynn
is fantastic. also, the first sentence of this review is not a complete sentence (where is the predicate?). anyway, since I feel the need to pad this otherwise meaningless grammar critique a little more: thanks avclub, you're great.

I fucking love these dudes, though I'm totally biased b/c i heard face to face for the first time when I was 12 (along with mxpx and the suicide machines - 1997 were heady days) but their self-titled is probably their strongest collection of songs, followed by don't turn away and ignorance is bliss, despite this

ski patrol was one of the handful of VHS tapes we had growing up and thus I watched in inordinate amount of times. it still kind of blows my mind that anyone from that movie went on to make something legitimately great!

ski patrol!!
but seriously, i'm an enormous fan of this man's work. a+.

if that's so, then too bad. i actually really like kristen wiig and judd apatow.

best line from that article
regarding Wiig's new Apatow movie: "We've all seen explosive diarrhea onscreen before — but we haven't seen it from characters trying on wedding dresses."

you hit the nail on the head re: places like this - not the strongest set of songs (except for "lazy (lazy)" which is easily one of my favorite of theirs) but at least there was a sense of adventure, a sense that they were thoroughly enjoying experimenting with all these new sounds and textures. if this new one

you hit the nail on the head re: places like this - not the strongest set of songs (except for "lazy (lazy)" which is easily one of my favorite of theirs) but at least there was a sense of adventure, a sense that they were thoroughly enjoying experimenting with all these new sounds and textures. if this new one

for the record, if this was an article about fugazi getting back together, people would fucking flip their shit (very much including me). this, on the other hand, is an article about ian mackaye talking about how it's logistically impossible for them to get back together now, or any time soon. not that exciting.

stridulum II is incredible!
even if she got bored of it eventually, thank christ she stuck with that opera training long enough to make her voice so powerful.. so unique, so striking..

"I'm not saying I agree with it, but bird law in this country is not governed by reason."

the first couple seasons' performances were gleefully over the top and the writing extremely quotable
they seem to have run out of steam creatively but i like them enough to keep watching.. thanks for turning me on to britanick though, just laughed for like half an hour straight running through their videos.