
it's true.. nostalgia

that is explicitly why they are not on that list. Continuing to be able to play old songs is not the point, the idea is that these bands still have new ideas and vitality, i.e. a reason to exist beyond nostalgia.

"But, OK, that's not what you came here to hear about. You came here to hear what was funny."
Actually, the commentary leading up to this point was some of the better TV Club writing I've seen in a while. I'd rather have an essay touching on the broader themes of the series and the arc/boundaries/motivations of the

14 or so discs. so much! i've watched the entire thing probably 3x since i got it a couple years ago, still not sick of it.

drinky - i read your comment and got very excited to answer "that name was drinky the drunk guy!!! i remember!!" and then i read your username. son of a bitch.

come on AVClub
That article had to be at least as annoying to write than it was to read, if not much more so. This 'news' is some trivial, tiresome shit.


Local =/= national, friend.

I really wanted to like this
B/c I live in Portland and love it here, but the jokes never seem to rise above references to the city, and after a while it kind of reminds me why I also hate this city.

This is interesting, but I totally agree w/ the CBS president here. "Well, he comes to work" is pretty much all an employer can say in this situation right?

Just guessing here, but I imagine by failing to take advantage of their successful (though deplorable) 'filth' angle and choosing instead to be sweet, they are satisfying nobody, thus being wholly inessential. (i.e., if it was dirty, it would be important to at least some people, thus making it at least vaguely

Hahaha @ the Lenny Pierce comment

Joe reminded me of David Brent reading inspirational quotes during a job interview
when he was reading those philosophical quotes from the website.

this is probably just I saw Jurassic Park when I was about as old as the kids in that movie
But I'm totally behind Sam Neill and his knowing smirk, because he kept them safe, damn it!

this is probably just I saw Jurassic Park when I was about as old as the kids in that movie
But I'm totally behind Sam Neill and his knowing smirk, because he kept them safe, damn it!

As always, the A.V. Club handles things with the utmost class. I'm serious. This kind of candor and honesty is not something you see much these days, although LP was definitely one of my favorite writers here. This is a huge loss.

many lol's @ '1996 aol profile'

yeah, ok ad revenue, still, i'm just saying this is not the conan's revenge fantasy we all want to believe it is.

this sounds bad for leno
but he still beat conan's ratings. that means to nbc, they still did the right thing.

i'm just impressed
that he can still sing like that, dudes got pipes.