The King of Shit

Nice one, guy replying to understood lame comment.

Ghost Rider 2099
Ghost Rider 2099 is the way to go for both the comic and movie franchise. I love the original Ghost Rider, but it pales in comparison to the future incarnation. If they change it from some hacker possessing a skeleton robot to Zarathos himself possessing it, I don't see how it could go wrong. The

@vandermode: Maybe you don't see the bug culture because you don't have a bug brain. More so, culture may be an incredibly human specific thing. In all of time it may only exist in humans. Also, the fact that there are no other species there doesn't mean they killed anything. It could have been a lifeless planet, like

Terminator: Salvation
I think the dystopian future of John Connor would have been fertile ground for a TV series. It would basically be the new BSG, but without the religious ending. Focus on a few hardened human soldiers battling against fate for survival. Yet, as it should be, by the final episode we can only watch

It's either a hipster or an old guy in a suit and glasses talking about tort reform. Or a series of folded white process paper with black print on it. Either way IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY! It doesn't help that I've never even opened a NYT either.

I can barely construct a sentence with proper adverbs, let alone form a coherent point. Still, Go Flyers.

I guess my problem with it all is that it's really easy calling out celebrities on being stupid and hypocritical. Hirschberg brought M.I.A. to task. Wow. It's a drop in a fucking bucket. If you, the reader, aren't smart enough to figure out that a 20 (re: 30, probably) something music star is shallow and naive with

I really hate the music world
Am I the only one who is annoyed by all sides in this story, including the A.V. clubs summary of it?

Too soon but
Heath Ledger would have made an awesome (white) Don Quixote.

This post was really self-conscious
Are people not liking Aziz Ansari or Danny McBride these days? If so that is retarded because both are funny and is further proof that our generation is way too cynical and demanding over stupid shit.

The poor movie theaters
The movie theaters have brought this fall on themselves. The theaters have not cared about the "theater-going environment" for so long now that it doesn't exist. If movie theaters brought back ushers who policed the theaters routinely and evicted the obnoxious people then they'd have a

That's a lot of money
It's weird how an awesome movie like 'Moon' got made with $5 million dollars, but these two need at least $40 million.

Quick question
Wasn't Ghenghis Khan of Asian descent?

I included myself with that remark, you cunt. Read before you post.

I love how a bunch of nerds are trolling on a message board discussing 'the market' like we have any clue what the fuck we're talking about.

No we're not. Well, the idiots are, which there are many here in the US, but the rest of us are not.

@Jorge Van Salsa:

No man should be on facebook, Christina Hendricks?
So you say men on facebook are both fake and gay, Christina Hendricks? Why don't you come back to me with that shit when you're not so thick-in-the hips. Maybe then we'll listen to your fat butt.

Comic book movies
It looks like this is further proof that the larger movie audience doesn't want to watch comic book movies with non-Big Two characters.

I think the movie may be good. Joss Whedon is a good director. My only problem though is that I don't really like Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor seems like it would be hard to make him interesting for movies.