The King of Shit

Was it a thing to have contempt for Justin Long? The guy has been a good actor in everything I've seen and seems like a likable person. These films aren't 'prestigious' by a long shot, but he was also great in 'Jeepers Creepers' and 'Dodgeball' as well.

I think Bob Odenkirk somehow tapped into some kind of collective conscious of dad's yelling. Whenever he yells it weirdly reminds me of my dad and I've heard several other people say that. I even watch friends yell at their kids now and laugh because they remind me of Bob Odenkirk. He captures the perfect

Not to sound like a fascist or anything, but most importantly you don't make the rules. This is this guys thing, not your thing. He gets to decide what 'The New Cult Canon' is because it is his idea. It's really as simple as that.

Suggestion box
Good review. I don't know why people had such torn feelings over this movie. I thought it was good as any of his others. Or it was good in its own way as any of his others, and the eulogy scene was banging.

Principals watch too much tv
How much more of a stereotypical cartoon principal can these real life school administrators become? They banned hugging. That is ridiculous. And it's not a fad. People have always hugged in high school. It's just that the news departments have fired all of their good reporters to the

Eko's staff
Does anyone carry Eko's staff? I missed the last season and most of the new one. I remember awhile back in the Second Season when the writers said they wanted to have an episode focus on the staff itself. I'm sure they don't have time to waste on that, but it would be cool to see Locke carrying it around.

My choices
1. Ricky Gervais for 'The Office.'
2. Kanye West for saying 'George Bush doesn't care about black people' during the Hurricane Katrina crisis.
3. Jesus for saving the world.

Calvin and Hobbes definitely. That was better than Cerebus, at least.

I'm a huge supporter of comics totally getting rid of 'continuity.' It really is completely stupid. Whenever a writer/artist gets on a comic they should be able to tell whatever kind of story they want to. If they want to have Superman to be a black guy, go for it. Whoever gets on Superman after that can make him gay

Honorable Mention
Sting in 'Dune.'

Haha, ok guys
April Fools. We get it. It's an egg on our face. You can stop now Fox. Wait, why aren't you stopping? This can't be real, can it? It is!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

I don't get it
Why do people read books written by "Authors-who-complete-the-original authors-story-with-the-original-authors-notes?" They did it with the 'Dune' series, then 'The Hitchhiker's Guide,' and now this series (along with countless others). Isn't the point of reading a book or series the enjoyment of

Dunder Mifflin could have also signed a contract with the film company, in which Miner wouldn't be able to do anything about them.

Batman is not dead. He is currently trapped in the past, probably around the pre-civilization era.

To 3rd prize way up there…

I think the Island will save Ben as well, but I don't think it takes anything away from Sayid. Sayid is the only one on the island so far to actually get the job done. It's insane no one else has tried to kill Ben yet. I'm glad to see Sayid finally do it, even if it doesn't end up working.

There is nothing more nerdy than comparing earlier Simpsons episodes to the current ones. If you don't like the show then don't watch it. Get a life.

April Fool's suckers!!!
Wait, no, this is real.

Evolution question
Would "2% bird" be enough to give a man wings?

Man, I hope this show gets renewed for at least one more season. I've only seen the first episode, and thought it was great. I don't have HBO so I can't watch it.