The King of Shit

I have always liked the giant octopus alien ending in Watchmen. It is an absurd, elaborate plan to save the world but it was thought up by a serial killer. It always seemed appropriate to me, and it only really saves the world temporarily. We don't see what happens afterwards.

The Cougar
This show would have been much better if it were about 20 young men vying for the affection of a real life cougar. And then the winner gets to get hunted by the cougar who then kills him and feeds him to her younglings. It'd be much more interesting.

No, I don't think it's too involved. My general rule is that anything Alan Moore works out for someone getting into comics. It's at least worked on my friends who weren't into comics before. I've come to find out that people tend to be scared of the huge continuity changes in mainstream characters, and Moore's stuff

Isn't Nick Fury white?

If I may make a suggestion, I think James Robinson's run on Starman would also be an excellent choice for a gateway book.

Would Rashomon count? I know that's more about a murder, but every murder centers around a dead body.

Terminal Illness
It's hard to believe that Adam Sandler has a terminal illness. First off, what terminal illness is he supposed to have? Depression? Comes all I'm seeing is a beard and him being fat. Cancer doesn't really allow those two things. Also, if he's at the point where a doctor says "You're going to die" he'd

Is that another one of these nerd religions?

I pray Will Ferrel will star.

I completely agree. 1999-2003 was a great time for comics, and should become the model again. I hate the whole idea of 'event comics' in the sense that they are 'events' instead of just in a single comic. FC should have just been a JLA story. SC should have happened in The Avengers. This way the other titles can

"Think back to your most self-involved, angry or rudest 4 minutes of the last few years and ask yourself if you would like the AVClubbers to critique it all afternoon. Because until you're up on Youtube acting like a dick in front of million's of people who actually CARE if you're acting like a dick, comparing your

I don't see why people take Bale's side in this either. It is never excusable to be a prick. I don't care what your job is. Ok, scratch that, it's excusable if you're a soldier or in a life threatening situation. Someone not doing their job correctly should get their ass handed to him. Otherwise acting like an ass is

This further validates the fact that Steve Martin was never funny.

I liked FC, sort of. Most of it was really confusing to figure out, but the parts with Batman were awesome.

Arrested Developnot
I don't really see why people hate Michael Cera now because of this clip. It seems like the shredder comment was an obvious joke, and more importantly I think they should just spend the movie that it would take to make this stupid movie and just give it to the American public. Or at least to all of

The post above by urtext is really concise. Watchmen isn't an action movie, but a character study of super heroes and American policy of sorts. The movie will just tell the outline, but the greatness of Watchmen isn't the plot. The plot actually is only subpar, but delving into the characters minds is what makes the

Ah the Truth
I'm glad an honest black lash is beginning for these shitty Judd Apatow movies. They are mildly funny at best.

Email this
Does anyone else have a problem emailing AV club articles? I've always had a problem with it.

These two are douchebags
But in their defense, this interview was about inane drivel. All interviews asking about celebrities lives are. I would lose my shit if I was asked the question, "And what about your dogs? Do they help you get through the difficult times?" I'm not even sure if that's a question. I mean, how do

Tweens can't beat the disposable income of adult nerds.