The King of Shit

Obama gets elected,
for the first time I love my country, and then I read this.

Marlan Wayans was pretty cool in Requiem…
This movie looks god awful, but I'll give the Wayans credit for at least actually parodying a genre. The 'Movie movies' don't even have the decency to do that. I mean, 'Meet the Spartans?' What the fuck was that?

Mos Def
Mos Def was the bomb in 'The Woodsmen.'

That's what he does. Have you been to a Nader meeting? All he talks about is how you should run for local office. He uses the national presidential campaign to get that out.

This section has lit my netflix queue on fire
Man, this movie sounds awesome. I've watched so many movies due to New Cult Canon. Kudos!

This is pretty awesome
It's cool to see comics are back to the point of featuring celebrities. Apparantly Barrack Obama was officially endorsed in an issue of 'Savage Dragon,' and now this appearance of Colbert in Spider-man. It's like when Muhammed Ali fought Superman, or when Mr. T was in everything.

1. He meant a way for him to reach 10 million people. Obama and McCain were allowed in previous debates which he is saying is why they have such large numbers of support.

Yeah, me too. This was a hilarious press release. The failure of Nelly (and other shitty hip hop) is the best thing for the genre.

Stop yelling
Jesus, commercials like this are why I make it a point to show up five minutes later then when the showing begins.

If the economy continues crumbling…
It's going to be so weird seeing the MTV generation standing in bread lines….

And in the end…
…she'll teach him to love being a father.

The absurdity of the GOP is actually becoming more funny than Colbert.


Hey look, another sarcastic asshole. Next time have the courage to form your thoughts into an actual opinion.

No, man. Let these Republicans say their shit. They need to get out there so they can be confronted by their immorality. That's what it has come to for this election. Anyone willing to vote for the Republican party after the past eight years is simply immoral. They have no concern for anyone outside their

I understand that, but it should also be against the law to take someone's picture without their permission. In fact, I think it is against the law with the exception of 'public figures.' The problems comes because entertainers are considered as public figures, as in the vein of public servants (like politicians).

Give the man a break
In his defense, I think any celebrity not attacking the paparazi is insane. It'd drive any person crazy having someone track your every moment. You have to look at the situation from their shoes. Imagine having a bad day, for whatever personal reason, and then having dozens of photographers

I want to fuck Matt Damon
To the person up there: how the hell is spitting out the facts elitist? Or is that what qualifies for 'elitist' these days for you hillbillies? Facts? Or is it because we hate your party and its members? If it's elitist to hate and humiliate Republicans then you shouldn't have dropped bombs

I blame this on Scully
This is what happens when you have 7 years of sexual tension that's never sufficiently satisfied…

Of course it's only my opinion. Just like the person who like it is just their opinion. The problem comes when 'The Dark Knight' is being compared to other 'A' movies, like 'There Will Be Blood' and other 'good' movies. I think people are so excited over DK because what else is out? Other stupid comic book movies. The