The King of Shit

Anarchy is the most progressive political philosophy. But I can see your misunderstanding since your idea of anarchy is probably the same one that was showcased in the Dark Knight.

I also don't like this 'inevitable backlash' concept. What, can a person dislike a shitty movie these days?

I can't wait…
…until people subside from the hype and realize 'The Dark Knight' wasn't that good.

Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy???
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy???

Summer 2010
I don't think Will Smith is necessarily building a Scientology school. I think he's just trying to revolutionize the movie industry. Instead of just playing a super hero fighting robots in a movie, he's going to actually fight robots in real life. And since robots don't make themselves (yet) this school

Black Record Labels
So are all of the major black owned record labels run by white men now?

360 fans take note
This game will probably end up on the 360 in a year or two.

How can you be a true 'Nintendo' fan, and not want to play a Metal Gear game?

This list
This list omitted a lot of better 'one-scene' wonders. Christopher Walken in "Annie Hall" and Crispin Glover in "Dead Man" are two that are coming to mind. I'm sure there are more that are also better than David Bowie's appearance in 'Zoolander' or Sam Jackson in 'Kill Bill v.2.' I forgot he was even in that