The King of Shit

Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson.

I bet if Ryan Gosling raped her instead, this movie would have passed with flying colors. Unless he does. I haven't seen the movie.

Same here. It's really weird realizing that the 'Video Store Clerk' will one day soon become extinct. There will be no more teenagers who can once claim that title.

Let's lower our standards
I'd love to see a six figure Hobbit film or even a James Bond film. Why not try making low budget features on big name subjects? It seems like it'd be a win-win. They might as well take a risk while they can.

Let's not forget that the movie hasn't been made yet and has an equal chance of being good and funny.

Who would you cast as the Hulk?
I think the guy who played Simon Tamm in 'Firefly' would be pretty awesome.

Did Party Down molest the Starz executives or something?

I agree. I think even just two more may do the trick like the British 'Office' and 'Extra' specials. Four would be great though. How hard is it to let them make just a few more episodes, Starz? Are you there Starz? This is me, King of Shit.

I'm seeing a 'Johnny Depp as Gandalf the Grey' tagline in some movie's future…

It'd be great to see Morrison and Mahke on another Frankenstein series to see what Frankenstein got up to (or out of) after the conclusion and before Final Crisis.

I'm totally going to read this book now that she's put on some pants and a jacket.
If Wonder Woman died would anyone of us miss her? I'm all for more non-white male superheroes, but Wonder Woman is just a boring character. She's Xena without any of the charm or excitement. DC really needs to just drop the dead

McCoughnahey from Dazed and Confused (i.e. Matthew McCoughnahey) would be a perfect replacement.

Why do people hate Robin Williams so much? He's been in some shitty movies, but was a good comedian years ago, and still is better than most, and has been in good movies even recently, like World's Greatest Dad. The guy also embraces some pretty nerdy shit like D&D and video games. I like that trait in actors playing

We all shitted on Heath Ledger as well
I think we may need to give Robin Williams a chance here. I'd choose him to play the Riddler over Johnny Depp any day of the week. Williams has played some good psychos in the past, including Nolan's Insomnia, so there is a good chance he'd do another good one. Whereas Johnny

I like the Raindrop scene as well, and feel it actually sets a pretty crucial tone in the movie which is Butch is in love with her, and she probably is with him as well as Sundance. There isn't any grand fight over her between the two heroes, which is great since that's more realistic. That was back when major movies

I'd also recommend ep. 40, again another great performance by James Adomian.

I don't think it makes Animal a bad person for just being friends with the pisser. I've been friends with people like that, and no matter how long or well you know somebody that shit can just pop up. For some reason some people are fucked up in the head and turn out to be pissers at moment's notice.

Did your friends ever consider that maybe they were shitty workers and deserved getting yelled at? I obviously wasn't there to judge who may or may not be have been in the wrong, but what I do know is that they pissed in a puppet. That tells me all I need to know. If your response to a shitty boss is to put human

Love is a beautiful thing
These two idiots deserve each other. On the one hand we have a man who cares more about the video game in his room then the woman in his room and on the other we have a woman who will destroy anything in her path passive aggressively instead of finding a new man. Perfect. They're going to get