
Or every guy in Judd Apatow movies who isn't Paul Rudd?

Why doesn't everybody fume about all the hot women Jerry Seinfeld slept with every week? Or Frasier? Or Kevin James? Or every other weird or gross looking guy that was the main character of a TV show?

I just listened to Fuck This Place. Cool title, but this song is awful. Is this typical of Frightened Rabbit? I was thinking about getting this album and now I think I probably won't.

Has anyone considered that a lot of the comments about Marnie/Booth's 'consensual sexual assault' (what?) are coming from a pretty vanilla standpoint? Some people are into weird shit. It's okay if everybody wants to be involved and I didn't see any indication that Marnie didn't - not before, or after - she just

Actually, me. I kind of project far into the future and hope that I have a bond kind of like that with my own critters.

Actually, me. I kind of project far into the future and hope that I have a bond kind of like that with my own critters.

Oh yeah, for sure. Also, when Molly and Keiko just accept him back at the end with 'daddy's home!'.

Oh yeah, for sure. Also, when Molly and Keiko just accept him back at the end with 'daddy's home!'.

Hard Time is an episode I only watched recently, and I think it is equally intense as this episode gets at moments, but in a really different way.

Hard Time is an episode I only watched recently, and I think it is equally intense as this episode gets at moments, but in a really different way.

Yes, that particular moment when Sisko is watching Jake and also his dismay at what his life has turned into are the two moments that really do it for me. I think Avery Brooks is really good in this episode, and he can be really varied througout the series.

Yes, that particular moment when Sisko is watching Jake and also his dismay at what his life has turned into are the two moments that really do it for me. I think Avery Brooks is really good in this episode, and he can be really varied througout the series.

It's a Star Trek episode that can make you cry, man. Gimme a break!

It's a Star Trek episode that can make you cry, man. Gimme a break!

Maybe it is just the reaction to the subject matter that determines how much you like The Visitor, and also in comparison with other emotional episodes like The Inner Light.

Maybe it is just the reaction to the subject matter that determines how much you like The Visitor, and also in comparison with other emotional episodes like The Inner Light.

The Visitor is one of the episodes I've been following these recaps for. I still like seeing people agree that this is the only Star Trek episode that is actually a successful tearjerker and that kind of thing. It hit me totally out of nowhere and it is mostly Avery Brooks' performance and some good score that does it.

The Visitor is one of the episodes I've been following these recaps for. I still like seeing people agree that this is the only Star Trek episode that is actually a successful tearjerker and that kind of thing. It hit me totally out of nowhere and it is mostly Avery Brooks' performance and some good score that does it.

Cool. I haven't seen some of these movies I will check em out.

Cool. I haven't seen some of these movies I will check em out.