
What material has she stolen?

I love the original movie so much I'll probably watch this no matter what. Although I didn't see Salvation, but that's because Robot Wars don't interest me.

The ad is funny. Thank god they used 'Breaking Bad' in there instead of
just 'TV' otherwise it might've been tough to justify posting as a news

Sam Waterson is a big old plate of steamed hams on this show, Emily Mortimer is obnoxious in a Hugh Grant movie kind of way and Olivia Munn is the only actress or actor on the show who regularly manages to sell that digressive tort-retort Sorkin dialogue on this show and make it endearing.

Pretty much instantly made me hate him and his style when he started with that crap, then pushed Stamps.com and talked a bunch of boring shit about his cat. Why do people tolerate this guy?

I just watched this episode. It was really good, once again. I kind of don't want to say or read too much about it, it feels like it'd infect the show at this point. I think I'd like to talk about it more at the end of the 6 episodes. Super glad to hear it is coming back.

Funny episode! Jake Johnson is really funny as Nick in this show. I appreciate the other characters, more or less, but he's the only one who really makes me laugh and it is definitely primarily due to his performance rather than the writing. The jokes are usually good, but he brings some great facial expressions and

Yip, know next to nothing about this but it looked cool and I was planning on watching it. Glad to know it's coming back, I'm gonna start tonight.

I watched this. Now, I don't know if I'm even capable of having anything truly bother me anymore so I'm not a good gauge for that kind of thing but I did identify a few dumb racist jokes and a kind of dumb mainstream tone which ran throughout the whole episode. Some of the sketches were functional, but that whole 5

You're right. The way capitalism works is entirely fair and nothing should ever change. Opportunity should only be available to those who are in favour with the current elites.

This show is the best. I still have one episode left to watch!!!

He's gonna be just fine.

I watched the first episode a few months ago and then I forgot about this! I'm really glad it was brought back to my attention, because I think this could be really good and I need some funny stuff. 

I guess you are referring to the way they used that word during the Rita episodes? It's the only part of Arrested Development that ever really irked me. Didn't like that!

As long as we're all doing our jobs, can I still interview you for my documentary 'Ramblings Snobs Who Don't Realise That They Became The Bad Guy After Highschool"?


Are you fucking serious? This show is bullshit.

Why does it infuriate you so much?

Good episode. When this show is good, it really makes me happy and feel better about myself. I am Adam…

This episode just creeped me out. I haven't been into this Fiona and Cake stuff.