
It's really cartoony. There are a few really gross moments involving slow motion bullets going through people's faces, but I felt like it's mostly played for laughs and like 'haha oh shit!' moments. It doesn't look very real, either. There isn't any sadistic violence - there are a few moments when it looks like there

It rules, this reviewer didn't get it.

It rules, this reviewer didn't get it.

Wasn't expecting the review on here to not get DREDD.

Wasn't expecting the review on here to not get DREDD.

Yeah, she has been quite irrelevant but that's what I mean - It'd be cool if they gave her something more. I saw her in cast pictures before the premiere and I thought that meant she'd be getting more of a part this season but I guess not.

Yeah, she has been quite irrelevant but that's what I mean - It'd be cool if they gave her something more. I saw her in cast pictures before the premiere and I thought that meant she'd be getting more of a part this season but I guess not.

Barring some the usual cheesy DEA crap, and
Mike's continuing presence, I liked this latest episode. All the Walter
and Jesse stuff was pretty good, here. I liked the conversations they
had, and getting into Walter's head again a bit helped to get me
interested in what he was going to do next. What he did actually do,

Barring some the usual cheesy DEA crap, and
Mike's continuing presence, I liked this latest episode. All the Walter
and Jesse stuff was pretty good, here. I liked the conversations they
had, and getting into Walter's head again a bit helped to get me
interested in what he was going to do next. What he did actually do,

Yeah, I'm not saying there is absolutely no merit to the idea of showing innocent kids getting harmed as a result of this kind of business that the show is about, but I feel lie the pulling the rug out from underneath here - a move they've pulled already twice in a similar fashion - just feels like the dramatic

Yeah, I'm not saying there is absolutely no merit to the idea of showing innocent kids getting harmed as a result of this kind of business that the show is about, but I feel lie the pulling the rug out from underneath here - a move they've pulled already twice in a similar fashion - just feels like the dramatic

Looks like I got owned.

Looks like I got owned.

Yeah that's it, I spend a few years getting attached to well written characters and decent stories about them and then when it all starts to turn to shit at the last minute I should shut the trap and not say what the frig?

Yeah that's it, I spend a few years getting attached to well written characters and decent stories about them and then when it all starts to turn to shit at the last minute I should shut the trap and not say what the frig?

Hey crime corrupts absolutely and if you don't get it look this kid just got shot. Oh you don't get it yet, okay, well now WALT is poisoning kids. Oh, you still don't see what we're saying well…

Hey crime corrupts absolutely and if you don't get it look this kid just got shot. Oh you don't get it yet, okay, well now WALT is poisoning kids. Oh, you still don't see what we're saying well…

That ending was absolute horseshit.

That ending was absolute horseshit.

I also hope this doesn't mean Adam is gone, I like him a lot.