
I also hope this doesn't mean Adam is gone, I like him a lot.

Uh, yeah I was worried I was going to get something like this which is why I made sure to mention that I don't necessarily dislike him at all but I just don't think his show is any good and this was an interesting example of it for me because I see it from a different perspective than an American would. His success,

Uh, yeah I was worried I was going to get something like this which is why I made sure to mention that I don't necessarily dislike him at all but I just don't think his show is any good and this was an interesting example of it for me because I see it from a different perspective than an American would. His success,

I'm Scottish, which is the only reason I really sought out a look at this. I've watched Craig Ferguson from time to time - I don't like his style at all, but he's always seemed like an honest enough kind of guy even if his show is rubbish.

I'm Scottish, which is the only reason I really sought out a look at this. I've watched Craig Ferguson from time to time - I don't like his style at all, but he's always seemed like an honest enough kind of guy even if his show is rubbish.

Yeah thanks for writing these. Just want to crank the thanks number up a bit and know I didn't just sit reading them for years and never say anything.

I bought it from his website. Actually I don't like his stand up that much, usually, but I do like his show and I guess I'm just a sucker for what I HOPE is honesty when it comes to artists trying to make some money.

Or maybe he does kill him, yeah. I dunno, the idea of Walter feeling so undervalued and emasculated that he would go all the way back to that Ted bullshit and assert his dominance there feels right.

Oh, yeah. Take it in the direction that Walter becomes so excluded from the organisation, and his family life so dominated by Skyler, that at some point going after that wormy guy who had sex with his wife, in a fit of his usual impotent rage, he goes way, way too far and…

Yeah, that's the best 'oh, come on!' because it lingers for just long enough before you say it that you think, ohhh he's gonna say it! or is he?! maybe not?! he said it!!!! and Will Arnett gives it even more emphasis than he normally does.

Sorry, just to clarify - Mike then mentions how he noticed it 'the other day at the lab', and that 'he can wear it if it makes him feel better' - both of these indicate Mike doesn't even know Walter was at Gus's house the night before. He references seeing it at the lab rather than the it's more egregious presence at

It wasn't Mike. Later, in the bar, Mike asks Walt 'what's with the piece?' as if Walter wouldn't have expected him to know he had a gun. Mike wouldn't have asked it like that if they both understood that Mike had caught Walt stalking around Gus's house the night before.

That was pretty jumbled but those are some of my thoughts, just about Walter. Jesse was very good in this episode, also. The scene with Walt and Jesse in Denny's near the end was played just right so you know that Jesse is probably more impervious to harm from the outside now, but at the same time he's going

Stuff I thought about this episode
I didn't expect Walter to be as pathetic as he was in this episode. All his stupid yammering. His descent doesn't seem to really be heading in the direction of success at being a ruthless druglord guy, it seems more like this is about Walter slowly becoming more of a little slimeball

I don't like Matthew Weiner
Judging from the really irritating way he handled himself in a bunch of Q&A sessions and stuff with the cast that I saw him talk in, and some interview stuff, he just seems kind of insufferable and full of shit. I don't think the show is, though. I think it could still be at least as good

It wasn't special.
It was a bad show. All of the virtual world stuff was just crazy enough to be embarrassing and enough to be cool. I read someone say this was a very pro-feminist show - it wasn't. Just the same show about a bunch of men and their serious business, along with a few attached women of basic character

I won't come back with more hassle about that point, though. I guess I'm just not gonna be watching Boardwalk Empire, after all!


Yeah I agree that that HBO shows are fucking gross with the constant naked women. It always annoyed me in the Sopranos, and it's annoying me even more here. Am I supposed to be getting horned up at this? Quit trying to cloak your exploitative garbage as being commentary on exploitation. I don't even know if they ARE

BSG went way downhill after they got off of New Caprica. There were a few good spots here and there afterwards but things got stupid and kind of laughable at a lot of moments (Adama spent all of season 4 on a CATHARTIC binge). Caprica has been REALLY bad so far, and I don't really think anyone in this bunch has it