
Yeah, I looked for Just Before Dawn first to get the disappointment out of the way. Maybe they can ask George Kennedy about it.

Liar. That's several minutes away. AT BEST.

Liar. That's several minutes away. AT BEST.

Lauren Graham always has that nervous energy in the interviews I've seen. She seemed to be herself to me. Also, this review confused me at first by using nonplussed correctly.

Lauren Graham always has that nervous energy in the interviews I've seen. She seemed to be herself to me. Also, this review confused me at first by using nonplussed correctly.

I couldn't believe I heard that gong sound. Will they have the Oriental riff next week?

I couldn't believe I heard that gong sound. Will they have the Oriental riff next week?

I'm really enjoying the new Bend Down Brought To You By Astroglide

I'm really enjoying the new Bend Down Brought To You By Astroglide

Could the pig slip in the mud? Ruining the very pants he was about to return!

Could the pig slip in the mud? Ruining the very pants he was about to return!

I had one aborted attempt reading it. I had just moved to a new city where I didn't know anybody and decided, "I don't need this right now". But I enjoyed it a lot a few months later. I think it was my second graphic novel after Maus.

I had one aborted attempt reading it. I had just moved to a new city where I didn't know anybody and decided, "I don't need this right now". But I enjoyed it a lot a few months later. I think it was my second graphic novel after Maus.

I don't understand. So you find Birbiglia unappealing, dislike his comedy and are dreading this movie?

I don't understand. So you find Birbiglia unappealing, dislike his comedy and are dreading this movie?

I have no interest in the podcasts people push in this thread but then you mentioned The Last Slumber Party. That's all you had to say!

I have no interest in the podcasts people push in this thread but then you mentioned The Last Slumber Party. That's all you had to say!

I was hoping all through the movie that the aliens wouldn't end up being a hoax. That would have made it terrible. That would have made it The Village.

I was hoping all through the movie that the aliens wouldn't end up being a hoax. That would have made it terrible. That would have made it The Village.

It's not an alien invasion. It's your assumption that makes the plot not make sense. If it's something like the aliens leaving behind their criminals on death row it works just fine.