

This review keeps saying this was never intended to be the finale but they knew the show was likely to end. Rob Thomas has said he didn't want to give the people deciding the show's fate any added incentive to cancel it by giving it a definite ending.  So while it leaves questions unanswered it shouldn't be surprising

He made a lot of money on his beard paintings but gave all (most?) of the money away to charity. I don't think he's going to be living in his storage area or anything.

Maybe. I did like that they avoided the trope that the most famous person in the episode is the one that did it. Possibly they avoided my thing because it was too obvious.

I'll check that out, 
Le Beef DeHume but you're influencing the life of a stranger so that must feel weird.

Amazing call. Community should do a fake serious episode where someone we've never seen before dies.

I loved the show but the one thing I was waiting for was this exchange in every Law and Order:

His appearance made me immediately look for a Random Roles for him. It doesn't exist! I need to know what he thinks of V.

Yeah, Laserblast is probably better but I like the idea that instead of Mike and the bots being pure energy at the edge of the universe they're living in a garden level apartment on the bus line in Milwaukee.

For some reason people don't like that the movie was Diabolik but the MST3K finale is my favorite.

His whole life revolves around Superman and cereal. I think about that line a lot as it relates to my own simple life.

It was terrible and completely reformed my opinion of Rock. Now I see him as some idiot savant who is sometimes accidentally funny. It explains his movie career at least.

But then you would hate everybody else.

Grateful Dead: Music sucks, the chicks are hot.

I always thought that line was intended to show what an ass Nick's dad was. That thinking of, "You can't have a valid opinion on this unless your situation is exactly the same as mine" is pretty weak.

Well, that's because you sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong.

All my friends had Atari but they were always over at my house playing Intellivision. Sometimes we'd try to play Atari at one of their houses but it would quickly seem pointless to play a much worse version of a game I had.

You should have been watching it at ten. Recently I was thinking about how much I liked Moonlighting when it was on so I looked up when it started. Turns out I was eight.

It's funny how the word clique disappears after high school. After that it's just groups of friends with similar interests. Which is what it always was. Why would everybody hang out with everybody in high school? I think it's a holdover from grade school where interests don't diverge as much.

Because of the metric system?