
It was his wife that commited suicide while Nance was on the set for Meatballs 4.

I hear Darkman 2 is decent, for a DTV sequel.

Crazy buck's gone blood simple.

I've seen Winterbeast. Three times for some reason. Definitely a Film Time Forgot. But stop motion monsters make anything watchable.

What I find weird about Night of the Demon is that there's another bigfoot movie called Demonwarp. Starring George Kennedy!

There's also Blades, about a killer lawnmower on a golf course. It comes off as a parody of other Jaws rip-offs by being so blatant.

I can hear the ocean and it's calling me to come. It says "hey hey joe".

I didn't know that my time was almost up. It's your last chance for pie!

Clu Gulager in Nightmare on Elm Street 2: The Accidentally Gay One (after the pet bird explodes into flames):

What do we want?!

I'm glad people seem to have forgotten about The Shins. The disparity between how much people liked them and I was indifferent to them made me feel like I was crazy. I trust Animal Collective will go the same way.

I was just watching him in Q: The Winged Serpent this week. That and Death Race 2000 are some of the best B movies out there.

Oh, and also: "Emergency, emergency, emergency. Emergency TV Service! When your TV blows it's a real emergency"

This Youtube channel posts Milwaukee ads from the 80s. I've spent a lot of time here:

Some more good PG-13 horror: The Gate, Tremors, The Others.

Yes, I know you think it sucks. But Signs is a great PG-13 horror film.

What's in the bag, a shark or something?

Sometimes it seems celebrities get pegged as annoying just because they voice their opinion and act like they think they're right. Of course they think they're right, that's why they have that opinion.

Isn't it time we got beyond Rangoon?

How about when he tried to get Teri Garr to shower on TV. As she was standing clothed in the shower stall with the door closed Dave claimed we couldn't see her but she asked why she could see him: