
I remember this movie appearing in Entertainment Weekly's list of worst movies of the year at the same time the AV Club named it one of the best. I'm with the AV Club on this one, although I don't know what I would have thought if I saw it in the theater and couldn't turn the subtitles on.

But remember M.A.S.K. with their helmet powers? And TranZor Z with the lady robot that shot boob torpedoes? All the various Ghostbuster cartoons?

Why did they stop at the 70s? I ready for nostalgia too. I'm still waiting for the Sesame Street Old School DVDs to release 80s stuff.

After reading the theme for this Inventory I immedately planned to complain about the omission of Chopping Mall. But then it was there. So now I'm going to complain about that.

I saw it in the theater because my friend had already seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. By the time The Dude is flying in the air she leaned over a said, "this is awesome!"

@Ba - This sort of explains the next place I studied, Famous Original Yun's Academy

You should have taken martial arts at D A Yun's Black Belt Academy right next to the haunted Toys R Us in Milwaukee like I did. Becuase then you could have gotten a toy afterwards.

They're still better than anteaters.

He was also on Gilmore Girls as an Iraq War veteran who lost an arm.

Dinner smells amazing. Let me guess. Meat?

Tom Hanks says it to Matt Damon at the end. I totally didn't understand what he said when I first saw the moive and I didn't want to be one of those people who asks what someone said while in the theater. I think it was months before it was Googlable.

Dude, we have to go!

My mom thought I'd be interested in The Toxic Avenger when I was 10. She was right.

These pretzels are making me thirsty.

It's Alive is pretty boring. Skip the second one too. Now It's Alive 3: Island of the Alive. That's where I'd put my money.

This is the most interest anyone's ever shown in Milwaukee.

I don't know what you mean by that.

I went to the Waldenbook at Southridge but in Milwaukee. Didn't haunt it though.

It would be fun to see The Sixth Sense not knowing anything about it. There are actually two big revelations in that movie but it was pretty impossible not to know what was wrong with the kid.

No, I'm not a fag. I'm a mythical creature that eats babies.