Ralph Spoilsport

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's "Will the Circle Be Unbroken". One of my roommates in the first house I ever rented had that sweet double album and introduced me to the amazing world of bluegrass. I've probably bought that album 5 times over the years - LP, cassette, CD, mp3. Doc Watson, Vassar Clements, Earl Scruggs, Mother

I think you need to set the bar a little higher than last season, dude.

I think you need to set the bar a little higher than last season, dude.

B+, really? Watching this episode, and indeed most of last season, was like watching your best friend die a slow and painful death of some exotic wasting disease. Like CancerAids.

B+, really? Watching this episode, and indeed most of last season, was like watching your best friend die a slow and painful death of some exotic wasting disease. Like CancerAids.

As a US fan of Judge Dredd since the amazing days of Brian Bolland, I've been hoping this version of Dredd would erase the embarrassing Stallone version. With an 83% on Rotten Tomatoes, maybe it has…

As a US fan of Judge Dredd since the amazing days of Brian Bolland, I've been hoping this version of Dredd would erase the embarrassing Stallone version. With an 83% on Rotten Tomatoes, maybe it has…

Yeah, I could never get past Chevy Chase's character…in anything except Caddyshack.

Yeah, I could never get past Chevy Chase's character…in anything except Caddyshack.

I wouldn't exactly call it rage, but I walked out in the middle of National Lampoon's Vacation. I just thought it was stupid. In the passing years I've tried occasionally to give it a chance…and I  still think its stupid.

I wouldn't exactly call it rage, but I walked out in the middle of National Lampoon's Vacation. I just thought it was stupid. In the passing years I've tried occasionally to give it a chance…and I  still think its stupid.

I must confess I love LOTR, but have never been able to get far in the Simarillion.

What about thoughtless adults, don't we get to enjoy anything here?

…peanut….pecan nut….cashew nut…

I watch Raising Hope and think of her as oddly sexual.

That Thompson fist on the knife blade is super cool. I might have to change the design of my pop culture tat now…

Don't have any tattoos — in my day they were for sailors, truckers and bikers.

In my opinion Earl Scruggs and Doc Watson form the highest pantheon of Bluegrass Gods. I was never able to see Scruggs live, and his death makes me even more determined to see Watson before he passes too.

'Shitload of Bluegrass' - great band name.

Yes, above all else cheese flavored Kit Kats must be shown proper respect.