Ralph Spoilsport

Horse sushi for the win.

Strangely, in all my years of full tilt James Brown funk-lovery, I never knew all this behind the music stuff. Maybe its better not to know…

Seriously, that Eddie Murphy bit on SNL and "Living in America" got me started on a life long James Brown addiction. The Star Time boxed set will always hold the #1 spot on my desert island playlist.

Stay on the scene…like a first machine…

Thanks to the wonders of the interweb I can now confirm she is far less plasticky looking in other shots. Plus boobs.

Yeah, I played a game of D&D with Gary Gygax. Just sayin…

Yikes! Her face reminds me of one of those creepy translucent human face masks.

You oughta read the book, its pretty good. I know that's not the sophisticated commentary you're used to here at the AV Club, but I read it a long time ago and it still is one of the only westerns (along with Lonesome Dove) that I really like. Also Louis Lamour, who is like is like reading the script for every '50's

After seeing John Carter I decided to reread the classic Mars series by ER Burroughs. I loved them as a kid, and I have to say I love them now. They're pretty pulpy and implausible, but there's a certain charm to their early 20th century sensibility. I can't recall ever reading Tarzan, but I devoured ERB's Mars books,

Totally agree that John Carter doesn't deserve all the hate being thrown its way. It does get a little muddled in the middle, but is fun overall - especially if you have read the classic books it is based on. The movie feels like an old fashioned adventure story written at the turn of the century - pretty


Continued to watch Downton Abbey Season 2: Sublime.

Come on People - The Party is the best party!
Booze flowing almost as freely as the groovy stream that runs through this hip hollywood pad…Hrundi Bakshi…floors that open up like a Bond villain's lair…Claudine Longet at her cutest…a painted elephant and birdy num-nums!

Enough with the buildup already!
There hasn't been an episode with real tension since the Cousins almost axed Walt. I'm trusting that we're leading up to something pretty momentous here — but come on already!! I give this episode a B.

Netflix = Awesome Roku = Awsomerer
Years ago Netflix rescued me from the exorbitant late fees my local Blockbuster used to charge — $3.50 a day, which can really add up when you're a lazy forgetful bum like myself. So they have my loyalty forever. I love them even more since I hooked up the Roku and started streaming.

Agree with the B
Interlude Episode - Thats what this was…good to hear something happens next week.

I'm glad you're not in charge of programming at AMC…

When I saw the big bang in the teaser, I thought it was Jesse and Walt blowin' up the RV….

Que Pasa People Que Pasa Hit me!

What, No Zappa?
You couldn't find a single Zappa song to include on this list? Weak.