
utterly infatuated with Samira Wiley

Totally with Toddeus re/ Regina's song. My question: Does she get to watch the season before she pens that song? Because it sounds and feels tailor-made. It's just great.

Unregistered4like, are you sure 2.5 men was the darkest show on teevee?


Here's 250 dollars, damn near my whole paycheck, MJH, don't worry about spelling my name right. Nah no worries.



We got a wiseacre over here.

It was all a dream/

fall back space ghost, damn lighten up it's just some party hip-hop.

hey that's the PEOPLE'S CHAMP

darn my humorless and clueless sensibilities have cost me many a chuckle with ol Davey Sedaris!!

I subscribe to the New Yorker and most of the time, I'm glad that I do. The issue with his essay lamenting how difficult his life is because he splits time between Paris and the States? The frick outta here, man. "You simply wouldn't believe what the maid is up to these days!" What a load of privileged hooey.

haha cats!

Malcolm, cuz that's just such a yeezy move.

Picked up IJ about a year ago and got a couple hundred pages in, then fell off. It wasn't that the book was beyond my reach, really (unlike say Gravity's Rainbow or some other post-modern stuff.) It was that the book just wrecked me emotionally at times. I didn't have it in me to get into it, everday, y'know? I'm weak.

I live a pretty bougie life, but man I was blasting that song when I picked my homie up from county jail. It was pretty much pitch-perfect.

Straight out the fkn jungles of rap

College Dropout. I'm even down with "Last Call."

Mine is Star Wars lol. Hi h8rs!!!!!!!