
Dadboner is a twitter gimmick account (?) and it is perhaps one of the better things on the internet, worried he's wearing out his welcome via those blog posts on Vice tho. Is weird twitter the same as gimmick accounts? Probably not, I guess. All I know is, there are some just beyond absurd, hilarious people on

I'd throw Pawn Stars in there, too. That's as close as I get to this genre, but I think I get the appeal.

I agree, and also your handle is (still) the greatest.

Well, now that this unusually crappy ep is outta the way, P&R will get back on track, I bet.

He was a good, good man.

You are a delight

Good dude.

VICE is all caps JERKS

I know this "What we talk about" construction isn't going anywhere, but I sure wish writers would resist the urge.

One more stray observation:

"Obviate the need to get in the gutter with the banks."Every single week, these writers give Boyd Crowder lines that stay with me for weeks on end.

What a mean-spirited review. Have a heart, fella, jeez.

sorry for being a dick :(

This song blows. I wish Thom was still into guitars 'steada keyboards.

boy, baby face is a fun drinkin bud, I bet

Right on, man, you nailed it.

You guys think Harmon is watching? What does he do during that time?

Remember when Boyd Crowder was shootin' up black churches with a grenade launcher? I do, but barely. Credit to the writing, and Goggins' acting, that I want Boyd to win just as much, if not more, than I want Raylan to. Show's a whole lot of fun, yeah?

Yeah this looks really gross.

What a heartbreaking opening. I'm up late and in a foul mood and there go the tears. Man am I glad to have discovered this tremendous piece of art.