
Bit of a sudden turnaround in Hank's domestic life, isn' t it?  For the entire season so far (and most of last season), Karen hasn't given him the time of day, but now all of a sudden he's allowed to hang around the house and make pillow talk with her?  Very out of character.

I like the alt-text, too.

I liked Season 4.  It was probably the least funny, but the most touching.  Depends what you're watching for, I guess.

Proofreading is hard.  I don't know how many times I've typed something, looked it over and posted it, only to come back later and see it's wrong.

Beckett's relationship with Castle is fundamentally different from what we've seen of his other fings.  Sophia hopped into bed with him after just a few months, while Kate's been getting to know him over several years.  She's developed her relationship based on the man, not his… hammer.

And thus my vocabulary continues to expand… (anvilicious).

Actually, I thought this was one of their better thriller attempts.  It kept my attention without putting me through any groaning scenes, although Phil is right about the underwater car escape being a bit too drawn out.  Damn, those guys can sure hold their breath!

Yeah.  Missed the past tense.  She was great the first few seasons.

"And while Becca was once the show’s most sympathetic and intriguing character"

I was killer impressed with that final scene.  Duchovny totally pulled off the "Is that Hank crying?" look without actually breaking down.


I used to work at Cheyenne Mt and I remember someone telling me how upset the Japanese were when they were on a tour there that we wouldn't show them the real war room, like in War Games.  There isn't one.  All that high-tech, real-time, down-to-the-gnat's-ass stuff that Castle loves doesn't exist.  The CIA can't

Thanks for making me look up "sapphic."

Funny, but that's the bit that's turned me off this season until now:  the idea that Hank and Karen were done.  The show became cold and cynical, even bitter, and that depressed me.

Not really.  He "cast" her as Sally before he knew she was the killer.  He's probably not going to recast her once he hears the truth at the very end of the story.

That was my favorite bit, too.  The way Castle scooted out from under that one and his expression after he turned away from Beckett was priceless.

This episode actually turned out better than I thought it would, mostly because there wasn't a great deal of the 1940s shtick in it and I found the mystery engaging.  I've never been a Boghart fan, never mind Fillion's OTT impression of him, and Ryan sounded about as Irish as I do.  I tried to take it in the spirit it

What were Castle's Season 4 filming dates?  It looks like he's slimmed down a bit since this season was shot.  At some point in the last couple of years his weight got away from him, but it looks like he's getting a handle on it now.  He looked fine at the People's Choice Awards in Jan. 

Is it just me or is RZA really hard to understand?  His English is so distorted with accent and jargon, and he mumbles so much I have trouble hearing him.

(Not sure if this is the right "reply" button, but I'm trying to respond to Lord Autumn-Bottom.)