
Exactly what are all the terrible, awful things he has done?

It's not about Hank; it's about the viewer.  If you like Hank, if his problems look more like accidents which Karen usually interprets (often unjustly) in the worst possible way, then you hate Carrie.  Hank made it plain he wasn't in the market for anything more, while this psycho bitch flew across the country to

This is the first episode I've actually liked this season.  The opener was so mean-spirited I almost stopped watching, the following 2 eps kind of fun but still empty; it wasn't until that heart-to-heart at the end that I saw what's drawn me to the show in previous seasons.  Hank only tugs at your heartstrings when

I decided to check out this series opener review out of nostalgia.  We're halfway through Season 4 at the moment and it's sad seeing what this show could have been after rewatching the very beginning.  Season 1 was fun, clever, and hot.  Contrast that with Season 4 where everyone looks tired, one cast member in