
Glad to see this covered here.

I've always been a big fan of Orphan's "I'm not your fucking mommy!"

A semi-positive comment about Thursday from an indie publication?  I'll take it.  Band was my life for a long time, and I'll still defend them.

Man, you do not want to know how your sausage is made.

Sincere?  This is some of the most 'aw shucks golly' crap that has ever spewed from an indie-folk beard-hole.  It's "silly" in ironic scare quotes, and its personality seems to have been deliberately lifted during the average amount of time it takes to search "whimsy" on your iphone while taking a shit.  Does it have

"Well holy moly me oh my

And let's get real: Home has some of the worst lyrics in modern music.


I've always found the description of Fugazi as fundamentalists or puritans to be a little dumb, because it ignores just how much nuance there was in Fugazi's music and their 'message'.  A statement of personal ethics does not a command make.  

You never answered the question in your title.  Bad form.
Also, Hendrix isn't pretentious because his music is strange or he has a background in composition or any of the other things you mentioned.  Rather, it's all summed up in the quotes from his manifesto you posted.  He overacademicizes the purpose of music until

I think part of the problem is that, as with most feedback systems, the extremes of positive or negative opinion are most likely to emerge. I think RYM or IMDB are perfect examples of this, where people only use them if they LOVE or HATE something.  I just don't think that's necessarily the best process to decide if a

This seems like a bad way to determine if a show is a good idea or not.  After all (and here comes the hate) the Community and especially Parks and Rec pilots were not very good, and especially didn't point to the kind of series they became in season 2 and 3, and later, in the case of Parks and Rec.
Just sayin.

But don't they serve very different ends? An oral history is curated by the author, creating a narrative out of big chunks of interviews, where as a more traditional prose book has the author making their point more explicit.  Both have a purpose, but the reader should look for different things in them.
To compare,

But you guys, it has so many layers.

Was really kind of hoping this would be a FOB song.

That's funny, because the best 'punk' of the last ten years has been, for the most part, in maligned genres like folk-punk and pop-punk.  Bands like High Dive, Defiance Ohio, RVIVR, Good Luck, Ghost Mice, etc.

I actually really, really didn't like the first one, the vocals just never clicked with the music, in opinion.
The new one, however, is awesome.

Nerd point of protest, but the Old Republic games were anything but poorly received.  They're probably some of the better roleplaying games of the last 10 or so years, and I wish Mass Effect (Bioware made both) had more of the exploration and open-ended elements the first OR game had.

But would Grizzly Bear work as well with 'charismatic' vocals?  Their vocals fit their music, a characteristic you described as describing a 'good' voice, yeah?
Also, who actually thinks Frank Ocean doesn't have a good voice?   Poor choice of song or not, that man has a tremendous range and while his music doesn't

Wait, so I get to travel to Texas after SXSW?