Sokkas Instincts

I'll have to check that out. That sounds like exactly the kind of thing Stewart Lee would do and that's why I love him.

I don't think these vloggers and YT personalities are as ubiquitously popular among teenagers as it seems, so I doubt it's that hard to be a teenager who's not into this stuff. There seem to be plenty of people that are super critical of aspects of the community and don't buy into the Green brothers cult of

The most positive thing I can say about Larry is that he's at least a step up from that awful, obnoxious Australian guy Polly's married to. Polly has really terrible taste in guys.

Bronn's probably not going to stick around either, since most people in the castle just see him as Tyrion's cutthroat.

"Fratricide, filicide, matricide, infanticide… All these sides and I picked the one who got his face caved in."

Did that pardon get lost in the mail or what? Didn't Robert die like two years ago in the show? Varys is such a bureaucrat. If he wants, he can find out when Daenerys is on her period two days after it starts, but when it comes to rewarding his workers he picks the slowest delivery service possible.

I couldn't get into Community either. In theory, I should've loved it. Everyone who has similar tastes to mine loved it. Websites that often recommend me stuff I enjoy loved it. But for some reason, after watching a whole season I came away feeling like it was fine, but not getting the hype.

I loved the shot where he and the Burger Chef guy's eyes meet and they both burst into cheesy grins.

Peggy's not even into dirty movies. That's more of a Megan thing.

That phone hanging off the desk bashing against the draw like Lane against the door…

LA Pete vs. The Ghost of Lane Pryce.

Geena Davis was on an NPR episode that was talking about female representation in film and she pointed out that that 17 percent turned up a lot when researching how present women were in different careers, and is also the point where men perceive a crowd to be 50-50 male to female.

The very obvious subtext of Oleanna's conversation with Margaery was "Get that boy addicted to your pussy ASAP and he's yours forever" so I'm sure that's why she snuck in initially.

I found that scene pretty creepy as well. Tommen looks so young and childlike, compared to Margaery who is very much a grown and sexually assured woman. I find the idea of her seducing him pretty off-putting (which I get could be the point). I was glad Ser Pounce came along to distract — God what a stupidly cute name

It was a very important scene. Travis has a lot of rage towards the black people he sees as destroying his city, and at the women he feels he needs to be a normal person but can't have, and here he is confronted with a character who reflects that rage back at him in the most violent and repulsive way possible. Any one

I can't wait to get me some of that sweet, sweet, s-s-s-sweet clam.

I can't wait to get me some of that sweet, sweet, s-s-s-sweet clam.

Then the film suddenly becomes Alf Happens when read aloud which is a far more poignant title.

When I first watched the series I felt that the second half, from 'We've Got Spirit' onwards, was much stronger because the stories and writing had a lot more of an emotional edge (Neal finds out his dad is having an affair and sees his brother kissing his crush on the same night; Sam dates his longtime crush and

I liked Learning, but that album title makes me not want to check out this out.