Sokkas Instincts

Don't get emotional Caipirinha. You're embarrassing yourself.

The A.V. Club
[stabs eye with hotdog]

Uh, That's our chef… Christopher!
[turns away muttering angrily in a Middle Eastern language]

He seems to interpret questions with the literalness of someone who has only been speaking English for a year, not the ~20+ he actually has.

Their dogs look really fluffy and huggable too. I mean, shiba inu's? Ainu dogs?

I really like Guremike as well. Just two cat siblings doing weird cat things.

Amy's such a great character. She's a sycophant and career-oriented, but not a buzzkill. I don't think the show often has her butting in on other people's fun and scolding them, which keeps her likeable. I like that she smokes as well. Too relatable, for me at least.

Gina didn't even have to bring it up. It seemed like she was looking at it before the conversation started, already prepared for the moment her mind finally snapped like a stale breadstick.

Congratulations, you're sort of the Mitch Globman of spam commenters in this comment section.

Some people just aren't cut out for the complications and crazy nuances of the world of spankology.

It's nasty, sure, but is it classist to angrily assume that a kid who's lazy, failing all his classes (and proudly!), constantly in detention, pronouncedly dislikes authority figures, and has pulled some very cruel and straight-up destructive pranks probably isn't going to do to well in the working world? Obviously

The A.V. Club
The lowest, most degrading work known to man

Yeah, you can use it.

Barney has to be up there. It's hard to come back from being a naked grown man chasing your diaper down the street, only to bump into your mom.

The one thing Milhouse had to wield over Bart, gone. He truly is the real victim in all of this.

It's a great summation of his character. He gives up on helping at the first moment of resistance.

They're really socking it to that Arby's guy again. He must work there or something.

I have to give it to the shot of Starla downing her drink with the cigarette still in her mouth.

Shut up and let the woman talk!

Maybe you should ask how Jesus would feel about it?