Sokkas Instincts

A twitter user called @ fart started a rumour that Whitney Houston died from a wasp attack and people believed it.

There was a little Spanish Flu
A record star he'd thought he'd be
He'd heard of singers like Beatles 
and Chimpmunks he'd seen on tv
Why not a little Spanish Flu?

Was that the season where they had another kid? That is definitely the watermark between good and bad Malcolm for me.

Ze goggles, they do nothing!

She was just marking her territory.

"With your wife in bed, does she need some kind of artificial stimulation, like marijuana?"
"We use a large vibrating egg."
"Well I ask a psychopath, I get that kind of an answer."

The opening monologue of Annie Hall where Woody Allen filters his relationships through the Groucho Marx joke mentioned in the article - "I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member" - always stuck with me and helped me realize that I was being way too fucking picky when it came to dating.

When I started high school we dissected things like pig lungs, cow's hearts, eyeballs and even pig brains (which weren't that interesting since they just turned to sludge).
By senior level we had regressed to earthworms, cockroaches and fish.

Inside Nature's Giants: The Origins of Hagrid

Well the bridge and chorus were the only times I could tell that actual words were being used.

You said tingling? In this comment section?

"Right after I won I got a phone call from a guy called Mr. Hands who said he liked my work and promised to make me a star!"


Don't let the dawe hit your arse on the way out.


And the live action Troy McClure movie that the Simpsons writers always talk about on commentaries came to fruition and was amazing.

Most Joy Division fans do feel terrible. That's why they're Joy Division fans.

Wubs and Dubs is a 2030 television show set in 2010 based around two siblings in high school, the eldest sister being a member of the Wubs while the younger brother is a member of the Dubs.

@avclub-bae6a614f57536659ef89e3a491d6030:disqus That video is a solemn reminder that while Skrillex may be the candle bearer for this type of shitty music, he is far from the worst practitioner of it.

Sort of, but when the beat comes back it's accompanied by the sound of Optimus Prime passing a kidney stone.