Sokkas Instincts

*Opens bag marked 'Dead Dove'*

Yup, my goal in life is to get a 9 to 5 office job, a nice big tv, a gaming console, an average house in a safe suburb and an average looking girlfriend who likes the same shit as me.

I have a trenchcoat wearing cousin and most of his behaviour can be summed up as goth-y lurking.

Like you said in another thread, it's because you're old. Way too many under 20 year olds won't shut up about this guy and I hear his music pretty much any weekend that I go out on. Consider yourself lucky.

I pity the fool who doesn't phoone hoome!

"Community Grade: F" Everything is falling into place.

'Bedroom pop' was used to describe their earlier stuff, whereas this album is heavier and angrier than previous releases. Kinda like the difference between Weezer's Blue Album and Pinkerton.

Say Yes! To M!ch!gan and No! To Ch!ld Rape!

Wow, that is a depressing pair of lists.

That definitely has to be scraping the bottom of the fond memories barrel.

A li'l bit of O' Neal in the sun

I remember being forced to line dance to both those songs at elementary school. Time well spent.

Is that TMNT title supposed to have such a Rule 34 vibe to it?

Seeing as there is an article about Whitney, Dane Cook or Bon Iver seemingly every other day on this site I would've thought this to be a fairly common occurrence.

Where was Wahlberg to prevent this tragedy?


I, er, don't think this contest is over yet "wallflower"…if that is your real name. I believe there is still a little something called "Homer at the Bat".

My Freaks and Geeks pick would probably be 'Smooching and Mooching' for the "Fuck yeah, go Bill!" ending alongside a great story for both cliques. Seeing Nick and Mr. Weir bonding was quite sweet.

From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit?

We need to talk about CancerAIDs.