Sokkas Instincts

"the books they read don't come come crayons"? As in they don't ejaculate crayons made of semen? They're missing out on some good shit man.

You can't have them, they already have a Sam Weir.

There was a convenience store right down the road from my college dorm known locally as Patel's (it was actually part of a nationwide chain) which sold shit cheaper than most of the local supermarkets. Maybe not an example of someone named Patel being cool, but definitely an example of something named Patel being cool.

There has to be a high school jam band out there called Panty Sandwich. The universe demands it.

I haven't listened to this yet, but based on what I've read it sounds great. Cox's move towards more straightforward 'poppier' music has made newer Atlas Sound and Deerhunter albums much better than the aimless ambient swirl of their earlier ones.

"I could wallop you all day with this surgical two-by-four and easily knock you down."

Now there's a manslaughter we can all get behind.

Whatever it is, it's good to know he'll be doing his own stunts.

On that topic of overlooked animes (though this is a bit of an apples vs oranges situation), has anyone brought up the original Pokemon theme song? It's the defining song of a whole generation's childhood.

Your avatar just reminded of Hey Arnold! which has a perfectly cromulent theme song.

The only thing I've got against the F&G opening is that it is way louder than the show itself and when I first watched the show I was living in a college dorm with really thin walls, so my neighbours all thought that I was a big Joan Jett fan.

I have the Law & Order 'DUN DUN' sound as my text alert. It started as an in-joke with a friend, but I've grown quite fond of it over time, which is the exact opposite of what I thought would happen.

For a while, then I'll probably "occupy" their toilets until closing time.

This Index is intolerable. I'm getting a Wahlburger.


Short answer: yes with an if. Long answer: no with a but.

*slicks back hair with a gluestick*

What about my impression of this girl I met a few weeks ago?

Dudu is gonna be an amazing album.

Even taking into account their 2009 embarrassment of an album, this is a pretty random choice for the worst music ever recorded.