Sokkas Instincts

Wow I totally forgot about this! Which means a whole lot of new ones to look through! It's so sad and so dry yet so very very funny.

You're a high school English teacher? My condolences man.

I am curious to find out which current bands Martin thinks are better than himself.

At least it's not zany. I don't think my brain could handle zany.

Keep sleeping Mexicans! Stay efficient Germans! Eat some deep-fried butter Americans!

Don't shame the Japanese! They'll all commit suicide.

Wow I guess I have to re-evaluate my opinion of the guy. It wasn't a deep, festering hate, just a lousy first impression from seeing him in films like Dupree and Wedding Crashers where he was a hedonistic man-child.

*Samantha Bee

Sue Sylvester definitely didn't have any interesting storylines, but, in the first season at least, I find her character really funny and Lynch plays her perfectly.

On the topic of Royal Tenenbaums - Owen Wilson.

Jeong was the biggest hurdle for me when I first started watching Community. Like a fucking cheesegrater against both ears every time he opens his mouth.

What about actors we love in movies and TV we hate? For me, definitely Jane Lynch in Glee. Hate, hate, hated the rest of the cast and show (besides Quinn Fabray because I'm shallow like that), but I ended up watching the whole first season just to see Sue Sylvester every week.

I've always sort of wondered how big a role and influence McFarlane plays in American Dad. I mean, is it great because of, or in spite of, him?

You don't need to justify yourself. Halcyon Digest was one of the best records of last year and Microcastle's only crime is the 3-4 song sag in the middle - everything before or after that is great. Earlier albums are kinda dull. Overall though easily a great band. Greatest band? Who cares. Archmage was just being a

I agree but unfortunately responding to the question "What sort of music do you like?" with "Anything depressive, malevolent, abrasive, or weird" is probably not considered socially acceptable.
I like most popular, Pitchfork-approved 'indie bands' but usually the ones that a weird or unique in some way. I just wish

If you're white and under 25 you're either a butthurt nerd, a hipster douchebag, or a frat douche asshole. Or at least that's what the internet has taught me.
Frankly, I'm comfortable being a hipster douchebag.

I would suggest Googling Black Dahlia murder. It's pretty weird and interesting.

This guy's better than 10 superbowls!

Exxxxactly….. D'oh!