Sokkas Instincts

He's inherited a disability known as stubbiness. It's genetic and usually passed down from the father's side of the family.

Yup he moved from one shitty genre adored by slutty 15 yo girls to another. Wonder why.

I'm gonna wager most hipsters hate Skrillex as well, wanting to seem genuine and listen to 'classic dubstep' like Burial. In fact, they're probably one of the few groups of under-25 stereotypes that hate him. Everyone else I know adores this guy, people from classic neckbeards to collar popping frat boys.

Fucking hell. You have to be exaggerating.


I don't know about last year, but in 2009 more US soldiers committed suicide than got killed in combat in Afghanistan.

Don't worry, if Obama can pass his Jobs Act everything will be back to normal.

Are we really gonna have this argument? Hell, even the children over at Engadget had a nicer comment section on this topic.

Even if she was still a teenager, I don't think I could buy Anna Paquin as a high school student.

Shall I compare thee to a Nuclear winter?

Yes but it served as the basis for hundreds of unfinished novels and overwrought modernist poems.

Yu-Gi-Oh's still a thing?

Ask Clinton.

No, no OP is right. This influx of rude atheists has to stop. Richard Dawkins going around making reasoned arguments and calling God an 'invisible man in the sky' and the wave of people too lazy to say anything beyond 'Religion sucks' and making easy 'The pope is a pedofile' jokes is what is ruining the USA. It's not

My post wasn't really aimed at the films mentioned - they all sound pretty hoary IMO - but more with the S1 'God' episode of Louie and people like George Meyer and George Carlin in mind (Ironically only one of which are current). Though yes, as Sturgeon's Law tells us, 90% of this generation's filmmakers, indie or

Is there anything more insulting that athletes thanking God for their success? Yeah, so that's great that God made you attractive and athletic and outgoing and all, but that doesn't explain why he only gave me cystic acne and a stutter.

Well I live in New Zealand so I doubt it's that.
I can see that. Problem is I'm really out of touch with what people think is normal and what is weird and I hang out with people with Godawful taste who respond to most of my music with 'WTF is this shit.' I don't bother choosing music at parties anymore.

This is a bit detached from the article, but we're still at a time where a lot of people working as comedians or writers or directors grew up in very religious homes and communities where the church had a lot of influence over their lives growing up. So a lot of time when taking on religion, they're using a lot of

The mere fact that you're calling it Pop Pop tells me you're not ready.

This doesn't really fit into the same category, but I remember near the end of last year, my final year of high school, a solid 30 people on my FB friend's list liked Flying Lotus in the space of ~24hrs. It really confused me, because FlyLo, while I love him, would be one of my last choices to play in a crowded room