Sokkas Instincts

I think Cryer's got this Impy character down to a tee.

It'll be critically unpopular. Moreso.

From the photo I think it's pretty clear that the kid isn't feeling his fart jokes anymore.
However Cryer seems to be feeling them a bit too much.

Poe's law and all that….

That girl on the Scorpions' album cover would fall into this category as well.
Poor girl, forever associated with a shitty band like Scorpions.

@avclub-b10ec5bd6b2d491d3a1fb43631adf750:disqus But atheism isn't based on evidence, but the lack of evidence. Since you can't prove that God doesn't exist you can only conclude on the fact that those who believe He exists can not prove that He indeed does exist. Not only can't they prove this, they can't even bring

Atheism can in no way be considered a 'faith' because it is not making any assumptions in it's conclusions. It takes what we have learnt from using scientific techniques that have made us the modern and advanced society we are today (comparatively) and doesn't add any assumptions to it. Faith (religion) on the other

Well put. Man I hated Anthony Weiner so much when those, uh, 'revelations' came out, not because I was 'morally outraged' (although it was an incredibly stupid thing to do), but because I knew it would be the end of him. He was just gaining traction as a likable (well, to people who didn't have to work for him) and

I've had moments as well where he's said something about women (never in regards to his criticism of Palin or Bachmann - who are the very definition of c*nts) that sounds awkwardly bitter, but then Fox News started using misogyny as the basis of their attacks on Maher and then I pretty much had an existential crisis.

I'm sort of the opposite in that I watch and would easily choose The Daily Show over Maher, but I watch Maher as a way to fill in for Stewart on Friday and round out the week. I kind of think you're a bit off in saying that the Daily Show doesn't point fingers, seeing as most of the humor on the show comes

Urgh Sean Hannity would be my choice, but he just infuriates to the point where my rational thought breaks down and I'd end up looking like the bad one.

It's like a crossover of Howard the Duck and The Critic!

I'm looking forward to the episode where Chris Brown confronts that awful spousal abuse victim who called him a 'f*ggot' for beating up Rihanna.
Also, the episode where Rick Santorum confronts that pedofile-enabler Dan Savage is set to be the defining television event of the century.

I agree, that felt kind of shoehorned in. It would've been more appropriate to reference something like the Tyler Clementi suicide or increasing rates of cyberbullying considering that this show pathetically tries to market itself as a counterweight against bullying. Of course, you wouldn't have 'With cyberbullying

-Double post due to moderated first post-

OFWGKTA. Fuck Taylor Goldsmith.

It doesn't matter, as long as we can say we got sick of them first.

Point of odor: Snooki smells

Besides, anyone who would agree to appear on a show like H8R  to insult celebrities is obviously desperate for attention themselves, and completely oblivious to the irony of appearing on a reality tv show to disparage flash-in-the-pan reality tv stars.

I kinda forget about Lisa's Sax a bit, but it definitely is a really good episode. I think both Lisa the Simpson and Lisa's Sax are great episodes (top 3 with Cartridge Family for Season 9) for the same reasons. Yeah, I could make room for Lisa's Sax somewhere. I'd just rather end on S8 with a strong season, than on