Sokkas Instincts

In my dream world 'Lisa the Simpson' is in season 8, ousting either the Sherry Bobbins episode or the Pretzel wagon one (I can't decide which I'd miss more - 'And heeerrrreee cooomes the pretzels" or Willy's maniac routine) and Homer's Enemy swaps places with 'Secret War…' and after that the series ended.

*Couple sneaks into Tron Guy's house and start making out on his couch*

I got the results of the test back. I definitely have breast cancer.

But which one of you is the real Mr. Snrub? And who's the imposter?


On the commentary for 'A Milhouse Divided' one of the staff points out how Kirk resembles a fat Larry David with blue hair

I always heard it as "but they never let mute", which makes sense in context (the nuns don't stop singing) but is weird thing for someone to say.

Kirk's not a loser. He went to Gudger College!

That's what Ken Keeler, the writer of the episode said, but to me it just comes across as an excuse (The real life equivalent of "LOL I'm not wrong I was just trolling you the whole time!!!!1!")
I've got nothing against Ken Keeler. I can see why he has a little bit of contempt for the fans of the time; Pretty much all

Remember when they revealed that the hotdogs at the Kwik-E-Mart were tofu-dogs the whole time? That really riled my feathers! These were hotdogs that had been firmly established as hotdogs for 7 years (like in episodes such as 'Lisa's Pony' and 'Homer and Apu') and it turns out it was all a lie.

I agree with this sentiment. The episode has a lot of funny moments, but with a storyline that completely screws with everything we know about a well established character whose life, personality and history is already well explored there's no way you could not consider it a bad episode. Plus that ending is

Can't agree with you more on the Louie episode, although I did get a good laugh out of the 'nigger toes' thing. I zoned out during the Who thing and couldn't believe they did that gag for whole 3-4 fucking minutes of that song.

Disliking 'Pier Pressure'? That's a paddlin'.

The freeze frame of Sokka's face in that shot is brilliant

Avatar Day has higher highs than TGD, but it also has lower lows, so to me it kind of balances itself out.

But don't you get it? He's HAPPY! He is a happy person. Other people are cynical and angry, but not him. He's happy. Even though no-one gave him credit for doing a good job in Cars 2, he's still very content and happy.

There is no Gold

Next week it's Chuck Lorre, followed by Justin Bieber, Friedberg and Seltzer, Mumford & Sons, Sean Hannity, Ashton Kutcher and the fat kid from 2.5 Men

The Gaddafi reference was weirdly relevant as well. Guess the shirt is a timeless classic after all.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus The recent HBO documentary, Hot Coffee, was pretty enraging, especially the parts about compulsory arbitration.