Sokkas Instincts

I don't know about you, but I get really hurt when people call me a cracker.

Once I list my top 5 forms of humour I'll show them all.

The thing is you're just reversing the problem when you have an unattractive, nerdy male getting the girl, as it's usually a super hot popular girl who wouldn't realistically go out with him. I mean the girls in Superbad, Youth in Revolt, Scott Pilgrim, and that stupid RJ Berger show are hot and popular.


It must be genetic, because it's strongly emphasized that someone like Sokka will never be able to bend any element. If it could just be learnt by anyone then the Fire Nation would've killed everyone in the South Pole, not just waterbenders. Although the fact that the original benders learnt bending through observing

And Zuko's subplot

Larry and Leon riffing was a great return to form. Besides 'Palestinian Chicken' and last week's episode, the unexplained absence of Leon left the show feeling a bit empty. So happy to see he's back. "Do you think I'd go out with a guy wearing a green wifebeater?" was one of the best Curb quotes this season.

The shit bow plot was great as Larry is the perfect person to enjoy being bowed to as a form of apology. Seeing as he spends most of his time pettily trying to extract apologies out of other people, to find a culture that bows so readily and overtly as a form of apology is like a dream come true for him.
Of course,

Although not my favourite Bob episode, Last Gleamings' scathing parody of air shows is pretty hilarious. Plus it has Grandpa's trip to the basement.