Jaime Lannister

Best episode of the second half of the season. I'm sure the next episode will go back to being garbage to make up for it.

The characters were all acting emo. I was expecting Darryl to start cutting himself. Sasha will probably hatebang a zombie.

So its the Emo Episode, featuring "Zombienado"

Meh. Sums it up for me.

I wouldn't of minded adding in the mother angle but as a season finale? No. This feels like we just stopped in the middle of a conversation. Not even in a cliffhanger just… mid sentence and hit the stop button.

Sure it was good action but the fact that it happened at all was simply 24 level of ridiculous. How can this fact get this episode up to an A-? Well Homeland has long since left the excellence of Season 1 so I suppose I should be thankful that the ambassador-husband bullcrap was kept to a minimum.

So two guys are supposed to have killed all the Chinese gangsters? Riiiight.

Reading this review I thought it was written by Anita Sarkeesian, had to check the author to be absolutely sure….

But they were planning on going for much longer, the show just threw a bunch of roadblocks in the way. I was hoping for a wider horizon but nope… back to day to day surviving.

Beth dying certainly was shocking though hardly logical. TWD just wants us to *gasp* but the whole scene was completely unnecessary so it just feels forced.

Sorry all, the grade is accurate, if anything it should be lower as the ending is so incredibly bad. I don't want to be reminded of 24 when watching this show. I'll give it a B- and this episode should be kissing me for my generosity.

This was a good episode? Made everything up to now completely pointless. So now what, back to surviving day to day, one of my biggest problems with this show? Incredibly frustrating. I'll watch the most recent one soon, who knows maybe it will be an improvement.

If anything its HBO that is obsessed, took GRRM's sex scenes and tripled them. Fat pink masts not being counted. ;)

Considering that in the books I'm not even back in KL at this point, getting me out of the Kingsguard isn't even on my lord's mind. Not sure he even knows about Ceresi and I. Things are different in this alternate universe…

So where are the people who you claim like the new site design? Seem pretty scarce judging by the comments.

Very resilient corpses these zombies. I suppose once they rise they don't rot away in the humid outdoor conditions? Or at least their clothes?

What is this Dexter? Its not like we'll have Ghost Lori to tell us his feelings.

Well its certainly true that the zombies are more interesting than the living people. Sad really.

What a shocker, they didn't kill Dexter of have him be caught by the police.  Instead he has a new life as Brawny the Paper Towel Man.  Not sure I'd give this an F but… wow.  What an awful finale to an awful season.

Only Dexter can use the technology, Miami Metro doesn't have it or maybe their clearance rate would be above the single digits.