Jaime Lannister

Todd has good music taste.  That is what I got from this episode.

Might have to rewatch, I admit to skipping forward constantly, hoping something interesting would happen and anything with Harrison gets the the immediate "move along now, move along".  Was it that amusing?

She signed the hospital form with a fake name though!  Who would ever suspect?  She didn't sign in as Hannah McKay so must not be her.

Here I thought Dexter was going to stop in New Mexico to get Walter White's buried money.  After all, he used his computer wizardry to dig up the lottery ticket he purchased and then moving on to his super duper code breaking program realizes the GPS coordinates.  So no worries, plenty of cash to bribe some

I've never seen any sign of a Vic-Walt relationship.  At all.  The writers try to suggest it but I don't see it coming through from the two characters themselves.  Fake tension but I don't stress over it.  I agree with the reviewer though that it is incredibly irritating to get subplots simmering like Vic and the

When you don't have a clue when the next book is coming out of course any scraps you get would be something I'd jump at.  But we know when the Homeland episodes will be airing, to me waiting and watching one a week is much preferable to seeing one than needing to wait a month to watch the next one.  Only make you that

Watching the premiere this early will only make it that much more painful the wait for the second episode to air. 

Show hasn't been that decent since Season 3 honestly and it was never fantastic to begin with.  A solid B show to start out and a continuous slide after the witches.

Could this episode actually be worse than last week?

Enjoyable film… except for the very end after the big finale.  Going to pretend this never happened.