
I'm of the belief that it's mostly the schedule, followed by either Lorne's conservatism or NBC's fear of its sponsors and controversy. There are occasional gems on SNL, but all the stories I've heard and read (which you've probably heard and read, too) stress how insane the writing schedule is for the show.

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She has presence, but she's one of the few "actors" who are so big as a celebrity, that I just can't see anything other than "Angelina Jolie" when I watch her in a film.

Yeah, this whole subplot is frustrating and annoying. Anna and Bates were my two favorite characters, but they've languished in these really stupid plots for a couple seasons now.

But that seemed to be undercut by his pressuring her at his departure. This all just seems rushed in a "bad writing" sort of way.

I think people predict a breakup because it's television, and it seems kind of unheard of to just let a couple be happy. It's not very dramatically rich.

I'm watching these on Hulu, as I don't have Bravo, so I'm commenting way after anyone is paying attention, but I kind of agree with you about all the crying. It seems like such a great opportunity that they signed up for, having watched 10 season of, so knowing full well what they were in store for.

I had a similar thought to yours. This whole thing just seems so badly handled, all the way back to just not hiring a more diverse cast and writers to begin with.

I guess it's dumb to question the "reality" of any of this (I like the show, btw), but wouldn't they have programmed him to shut down his emotions and become like Mr. Spoke (or Data) instead of becoming unstable and nutty?

I would say B for this episode, but A- for the season.

It's funny you say that. When Rudd came on stage, it seemed that there was a suspicious bulge in his pants. I assumed it was some kind of prop for a gag. I guess it was just his huge penis.

Yeah, I can't decide if part of his shtick is that his criticisms are hackey, when they're not offensive/inappropriate.

I love Kristen Wiig, but I couldn't stand most of her recurring characters on SNL. I hated Dooneese on Saturday's show. The thing about her characters is that it's kind of cool that such a non-funny, "anti-comedy" thing got on SNL, but once it becomes a regular thing, it's just not funny, and not in an ironic,

Huh. I didn't really see taking Harley's songs as theft but as honoring his memory. Guess that went over my head. I thought she explicitly gave him credit. I don't know. Maybe Treme is too subtle for me at times.

I don't understand this statement. She has ambitions and desires that she's trying to fulfill. She never fucked anyone over, that I can remember. She extracted herself from one very destructive relationship and one stagnant relationship with grace. Both her exes displayed more selfishness than she did.

Yeah, that thought flitted through my mind, too.

I was planning on posting something about this. I love this show, but I find it hard to believe that ANYONE, let alone someone who has owned businesses and been around the block, wouldn't have seen that lawsuit coming. Or had any sense of what it means to put your name on a corporate entity that you don't own/control

O'Neal using the term "debating" when referring to dumb dummies tweeting dumb "jokes" is really a stretch. If the media ever finds a less reputable source for "news" and "public opinion" than social media, I think it will be time to turn the lights off on the whole enterprise.

I'm a little surprised at the DJ Davis hate. He, like the show itself, grated on me at first, but just when I was about to give up on both him and the show, something changed, and I was won over.

Yeah, maybe so. But when Gaga first came out, I seem to recall a lot of blog posts and whatnot about her "penis," about her really being a man, used to be a man, etc.