
That sketch kind of felt like an older era SNL. It was funny enough, but mostly kind of poignant and a little sad and wistful.

That's funny. I thought she made a reference to being a transsexual in the monologue, but I thought, "Naaah, no way she'd refer to that." Guess I was wrong.

The F-Word was great because he was hard on the people working in his kitchen, but he was also very supportive and encouraging and had fun and a laugh with them (when they weren't fucking up). Some of that comes through on his shows here, but Americanized Ramsay really over-emphasizes the loud and obnoxious part of

Gotta say, I really enjoyed "Speed Racer." It captured the goofy melodrama of the cartoon pretty well. I was moved to tears by the relationship between Racer X and Speed. Also, Christina Ricci looked super hot in it.

@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Coulson is a clone, right? I mean, what else could it be?

With a woman like April in my corner, I could fuck all the shit up….

The focus on the all the new castmates was kind of odd this week. How they can keep criminally under utilizing Nasim Pedrad while the newest, greenest cast members got more screentime in their first outing than Nasim got all last season (I exaggerate, of course), is frustrating at best.

For some reason, when I first saw Bobby Moynihan, he just looked like someone I wanted to hate. Like he was created in a lab to be the new Chris Farley or something. But he has become my favorite cast member. Granted, that was due partly to attrition, but he's really funny, not just here, but on CBB and "Girls."

Her tight-fitting, cleavagey outfits are the best thing about this show. Damn she's an attractive woman.

I watched the entire first season. It was awful. My excuse is that I'm basically a good boyfriend.

I want that white "flamma blanca" suit and Katy Mixon.

I'm kinda the opposite. I really like the chemistry between Greenwald and Ryan. Even though I don't listen to most of the music they reference (excepting their recent look-back to the 90's), their enthusiasm entertains me. Their self-effacement doesn't seem completely insincere.

Sigh. She's dreamy.

I'm a casual comics fan and a former rabid fan-boy comic collector back in the mid-to late 80s while in high school. I was the kid buying three copies of each title with backing boards and bags for each, etc. I kind of wish I was growing up now as opposed to then, comics-wise.

I recently re-watched the show from beginning to end, inspired by the "Classics" reviews here.

I look forward to your comments on The Shield every week; thanks for contributing them.

Vic has a way of drawing people to him almost BECAUSE he's so horrible to people. It's like hazing or similar to boot camp. Vic breaks people down, but when he builds them back up, they feel "honored" by the positive attention. It's more meaningful because of the previous abuse. This is intensified by the us vs them