His Older Brother Rex Who Ran

Love Both
I think the book is superior, clearly, but the film is really great too. I think the changes that were made make sense in terms of the film. I actually like the altered ending too… I just wish he had done the scenes of the bodies piled on top of one another in a recently obliterated Manhattan. Apparently,

Psst! Hip Hop Died, Like, 15 Years Ago
What, nobody told you?

Uh, no PVC, all I said was that women who are no good in bed aren't fun to be with. Further, that the popularity of Twilight shows us that there are LOTS of women who fit this bill. I never said they didn't deserve love. Clearly every living thing is as deserving of love as any other living thing. BUT, frigid

@ The Good Doctor. Hahaha! Nah, I do okay, I've been with many women who were super into sex and fun partners, but, I've also been with women who were terrible in bed, and totally inhibited / repressed, because, clearly, these women don't like sex. They endure it in order to get some kind of reward; or as some

The SCARIEST Thing About The Popularity Of Twilight Amongst Females
Twilight terrifies me. Not because its scary (its not), but because of its popularity. Twilight it popular because it is a wish-fulfillment fantasy for women. Although targeted at tweens, its popularity extends to adult women as well. I even

Love Eno and Byrne, But That Track Is Really Boring
Gimme "My Life In the Bush With Ghosts" any damn day. Also, gimme all of Eno's early solo works (especially "Warm Jets" and "Taking Tiger Mountain") and early Talking Heads any damn day. This track just sounds old and tired.

Btw, the fact that sunlight doesn't kill vampires, but makes them glitter is just one of the monumentally stupid and awful things about this book. The whole thing is one long wish-fulfillment masturbatory fantasy for fat goth chicks who will never find love, but will lust after the gay guys who hang out with them and

Big Surprise Given How Much The Novel SUCKED
I picked up the first novel to see what the hubbub was all about. I was thinking, "oh, right, vampirism as a metaphor for adolescent sexuality just like on Buffy, maybe it has a similar charm and intelligence." WRONG! Its a TERRIBLE novel. After a decent set-up it

I think Audition is a better film, a more restrained film, and I was disappointed by the awkward and almost incomprehensive phonetic english used by the Japanese actors in Imprint (why not just Japanese? Did Showtime demand it be in English? I understand that Sukiyaki Western Django has the same thing going on it),

Kyp Malone's Fall In Love Project
I met Kyp Malone when he was doing this project called Fall In Love back in 2000 I believe it was? We were all doing this Halloween show on the Lower East Side — Danzig vs. Black Sabbath where various bands, projects, and what-have-you, were doing covers of either Misfits or Black

Does Anyone Actually Find This Douchebag Funny?
That is, anyone who isn't a raging alky douchebag frat-boy and/or frat-adult? Here's a generic Dane Cook "joke" — "You guys like to party? Yeah? WELL I LIKE TO PARTY TOO! KEG STAND!!!" And the crowd goes wild with ape-like paroxysms of tribe identification.

That was the first album I ever bought and I still own it and thats how much of a fucking nerd I am. Oh, I also bought the theme song from the Dukes of Hazard .45 (they didn't call them 7 inches then).

You've Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me
Do people actually listen to this shit without irony? Then I can only assume they are either a) 10 years old, b) high on glue, c) mentally "slow", d) a mix of the above.

Well, sure, I agree its "zany," but it's not really that funny, unless your 5. But even if you're not 5 and think this is funny, it sure as shit isn't subversive. Thats the only thing I was criticizing. Calling it subversive in a lame attempt to give it some validity.

The Real Problem Is That Its Not R, NC-17, Or XXX
See, if this movie featured Anna Farris in various stages of undress, duress, whilst engaging in frequent bouts of dangerously compulsive sex with men, women, and groups of men and women, I would totally see this. But PG-13? A Pg-13 about a hot blonde Playboy bunny

Subversive? You're Kidding, Right?
The Hulkster threatens the Gremsters after they break the fourth wall! So subversive! Are you sure this film wasn't ghost-written / directed by Pontecorvo?

It Was Hilarious Super-Fun Trashtastic!
I'm sort of baffled that nobody realizes this movie was supposed to be funny. It was the Grindhouse of late-70s, early 80s post-apocalypse movies. If you like that kid of thing, then this is the kind of thing you will like.

I Like The Way This Sounds
Its got a weird punk psych surf meets afro-pop kinda thang going on it I think. I like it. I like the way this sounds.

Interstellar Overdrive Was My Gateway Drug
Seriously, the first time I heard this song whilst high I KNEW that I wanted to hallucinate away a good five years of my young adult life. Duuuuuude.

"It must be weird, not having anybody cum on you."
That is an actual quote from Showgirls, which is, hands down, the most hilariously awful movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It is REQUIRED viewing.