
From Buffalo NY, can confirm.

Wait what NO FIREFLY???????????

I'd love to see one about the Russo-Finnish war. I actually think it would do really well in the US. Absolutely fascinating and little-known conflict that had a big impact on the development of WW2.

What the reviews keep neglecting is that is based off a book, where the conventions of television are not sacred. I find it absolutely refreshing to be honest (although I'm getting pretty exhausted with seeing the ultra-violence over and over). The reviews rarely ever mention that this was based off a book and I

Is this really a Second Tier Prestige Series and not a "game changer"? Sure it is no Sopranos, but I've never sat through an episode of anything like the one with the Red Wedding (although some episodes of The Wire came close). That episode was quite a game-changer for me at least.

What's a battle?

I don't know I still think they put on a great live show. It's not transcendental like it used to be, but I'll never get sick of hearing True Believers live. Never.

Maniacal Laughter is a fucking great album. Highly recommend it. The Bouncing Souls have kind of fallen off over the years, but man… that album still rocks.

There is no un-seeing that “Don’t Ask Me” video.

I thought I read there was going to be a new The Hold Steady album this year.  Consider that my vote if indeed it does come out this year.

And there it is, the most useful AV Club comment in my 10 years or whatever of viewing this site.  Thank you, Nick Slaughter.  I hope that's your real name and we can meet and crush one of these games together someday.

this should have been a firstie, but alas the world is not just

@kiebs:twitter Chris brown can punch me whenever he wants #love


Haha that just made me laugh my ass off well done senor.

I'm surprised this article didn't touch on current divide in racial culture in America at all.  I'm not saying necessarily that the divide between Chris Brown die-hard supporters and… uhh… rational people is primarily along racial lines but I would have liked to have seen the aspect explored, if only to debunk it. We

The mere fact that you call making love 'Pop-pop' tells me you're not ready.

Man I made a deliberate effort to not see any The Office-related shit on the internet.  I even survived the west coast everyone ruins the shit on twitter and facebook effect.  It's possible, but it is really sad how much self restraint it requires.

Bullshit.  The finale was a mess of awesomeness.  It wasn't as deep as The Sopranos or The Wire finale, but guess what, there is only one of the 3 that I actually cried over.