
You just won the fucking internet for a day.  When all those peepee people who couldn't find anything to be positive about this show in the past 3 or so years are dead, this show will continue.

Fuck you Facebook told me it was Michael, you came.

Now that I actually read your shit it's fucking right.  The only thing I take issue with is the Michael point.  I know I want him to be more present, but maybe it's not right.  He gave me the tear jerkerer and deep down inside thats what I was praying for.  I wanted him to do more shit but eh it was classy that he

Florida Fucking Stanley!  

Sorry I dont know I'm pretty hammered and you were saying all this stuff about kitchens and, well, I'm already at an emotional high after that episode so I yeah penis was the only response I could think of.  TL;DR would have helped for drunks like me!


The show earned enough during the early and sometimes the mid years that I was willing to endure the low points of the late years.  Fuck it, this finale made it all worthwhile.  What a great journey.  Fucking 9 years.  Yikes.

Fuck yes.

If you can't enjoy this episode then… well… I'm glad we aren't friends.

I disagree actually.  I fucking lost it when I saw him. 

part of the emotion for me of this episode was "holy fuck has it been 8 years since I saw that kid"

Michael, you came.

I highly recommend the Nerdist podcast with Fichtner.  As a native of Buffalo, NY, I greatly approve of his work (he's also a buddy of mine's uncle, never met him though).

Jurassic Park.

I found it great because that's always been sort of a running joke that they are just average folks who like stupid-popular memes and soon-to-be-dated pop sensations (like Michael saying don't go there and having the humps song as his phone ringer).  They are constantly doing dated jokes.  That's the point, they don't

Beach games/the job is just great.  I love Parks and Rec and a lot of shows, but that episode(s) is tough to beat.  Perfectly paced and executed, still kills me every time I see it.

Michael carbo-loading by eating fettuccine alfredo less than an hour before running a 5k completely negates your argument.  That was pretty fucking funny.

Star Trek: Penis

So glad we finally got to see Ygritte naked.

I got pretty bummed out when Michael Scott left at the end of The Office.  Not that all the later seasons were great, but when that show was ON it was fucking ON. It was also a source of so much quoting amongst friends that it will always have a place in my heart.