Dick Whiteman

I heard eight was too late. (and I clearly did this wrong)

Simpson was better when Skip Caray and Van Wieren were around. The few Braves broadcasts I do get (for some reason, CSS doesn't carry the Peachtree broadcasts in Florida like they do in other states,) Simpson's been paired with Ron Gant…and he's just been awful.

Ellison didn't write The Invisible Man.

The Invisible Man was not written by Ellison.

I don't think she's nearly as much of a fantasy Republican now, upon rewatches, as I did when the show first aired. I'm thinking, in particular, about her distortion of the facts in re: school funding in the first scene she's in (the bit about condoms).

Shit. I should've clarified. I'll take the women dressed in the FC-era uniforms. There was no one that didn't look good on.

I'll take the First Contact era uniform, thankyouverymuch.

I dunno, Sam…I still quite enjoy both "Bought for a Song" and "Supercollider," though I'll grant the rest of the B-side isn't that great.

So…do you think he's wrong? Or are you just going after him because he's McNutt (and I'm not saying that's always undeserved) and ignoring what he's saying?

I think she's been pretty fantastic. Why are you unconvinced that she's lost her daughter within the last week and a half?

If his success didn't meet the way we measure his success, why would we be jealous of it?

I suppose it becomes a question of whether you grade something better for trying and failing, or if you bang on it for not being something else. (and shit, that was supposed to be one post).

I can buy that, Buckaroo. Absolutely I can.

With an "E"
I'll preface this by saying that I probably like Time's Arrow more than the merits might dictate (although, since it's pop culture, that's not in and of itself a problem). I recognize that my defense of TA2, in particular, is as motivated as much by attachment as Handlen's critique seems motivated by pure

So…did anyone actually read the Salon piece, or are we just dismissing it out of hand?

The biggest specific problem I always had with the Mirror Universe episodes was that they seemed to bew suggesting that all forms of overt sexuality are bad.

They're not making out, but I rather enjoy this promo…

I still wonder what he did after he brought Picard and Data back from Romulus.

Better. He has his own team of clowns. The Indianapolis Clowns.

Supersub, I guess I'm just missing something, but how can someone be "hot" but not "sexy?" I can certainly see how the reverse is possible, but your idea (from my perspective) makes absolutely no sense. From where I sit, being "hot" connotes a purely physical sexual appeal. I'll agree that Brie is "hot," but