Dick Whiteman

Did we discuss the Kirby/Polley/Take This Waltz connection last week and I missed it?

That's true of almost every SEC school.

The one girl you know who goes to Ole Miss is not an indication.

I've actually been told I look like George C. Scott.

I thought Parilla was actually pretty good on Boomtown…

I initially misread that as "everyone gets a gibbon."  Too bad.

Isn't it possible that Brody wanted to kill Affy NOT because he's been turned, but because he wanted the guy that tortured him dead?  I can certainly buy that Brody's been turned at this point, but I don't think it'd be much of a narrative stretch to suggest he hasn't been.

I thought the beginning was dreadful.  The rest was merely "meh."  Almost like they thought they were doing something radically different, when they were just churning out something a little different.

Someone here doesn't like U2?  What a fucking shock.  Way to stand out from the crowd there, pal.

That's actually how she wears her hair now.  So I guess it's not that "they" want her to look like an elf, but she does.  (If by "pointy" you mean "round").


He showed up toward the end of Murder One.  Only other place I've ever seen him.

I didn't feel any more beaten over the head this week than I did last week…

They stil exist in the South.  There was one in Tuscaloosa a couple years ago, assuming it didn't…you know…tornado…

"Sounds likes this show is more of the same."  So you didn't watch it then.  I thought the show did a fairly good job of keeping everything at least somewhat ambiguous.  Danes's character is pretty clearly not all there (even if she's right about Winters), and because we've seen very little of the flashbacks, we don't

New Testament Cigarettes.  I smoke 'em…he smokes 'em.


Yep.  I thought I'd hesitate to say that, because Dennings is generally right up my alley, but…Yep.

The thing is, and I'm no gun nut…but the first clause is by no means incompatible with the amendment (as a whole) being read as an individual right.

Or how English works.