Dick Whiteman



I actually gave my dad a birthday card with that written inside it when I was seven. And then again when I was 23.

It's been a while since I've seen this eposide (which is one of my favorites, mainly because of the scene in the conference room), but is it ever made 100% clear that it WAS Duras who poisoned K'Mpec? I realize part of this is having full knowledge of what a tosser Gowron is (SPOILER, BITCHES) by the time Worf kills

Also, she's married to Jack Coleman. I have no idea how I know that.

Disco Sucks had me at "Michelle Williams" and, more to the point, "Ginnifer Goodwin." I'd fuck her in the middle of a flock of adopted turkeys.


He's missing one key group. In college, sometimes the slutty girls really do like the professors. And by slutty girls, I mean girls with obvious daddy issues about to marry guys nearly twice their age who still have rattails.

Jesus. Dexter told Deb that she wouldn't be happy with something short of Mary Poppins. Hence…the title.

You want hysterical, put together a bunch of screencaps that's just Riker listening to other people. Fan-fucking-tastic.

give me Goodwin or give me death!

The blonde
I watched this tonight just to see the blonde (Kathryn Winnick of House's "One Day, One Room.") Man, was I pissed when all I got was a fucking cell phone picture.

I absolutely love "Horse To Water" and the title track. It's not as good as some of their old stuff (obviously), and I don't think they've done anything really really good since Berry left, but some of it…er….sounds good.

Yeah, I love the fourth-wall-breaking flashbacks. One of the most unusual things Star Trek's ever done (unusual within the context of their own bibles, of course).

I've always found Picard's allcall speech before the climactic battle exactly equal parts totally awesome and really fucking stupid. I can't decide if it's the text or the reading. And I realize he's not talking about his own ship (but it would be less stupid if he was, given that no one [save Guinan] would

vadasz, Nixon proposed a guranteed annual income for all Americans, as well as wage and price controls. Has Obama done any of those?

Serenity's an interesting question, because there are a lot of ways in which the main characters themselves are the "other." I'm not going to say your professor's a hack or anything for leaving it off, but it can be read as a study of the way we "other" ourselves. As for Starship Troopers…bugs…as an other? Dump it.

The rape line made me want Harry to rape Joey. With his cock.

I've never been able to watch the Man from UNCLE without feeling dirty.

Count me in the "Henry's-creepy-because-he-finds-pregnant-women-sexy" camp (it's not a judgement of the tastes of actual people, just fictional characters.)