
Yeah I agree with that. The Return is almost certainly still his greatest film though probably the hardest to watch as well - I remember the last 15 minutes or so staying with me almost constantly for a solid week after finishing it. Leviathan is only a tic below it and Elena a tic below that.

Yeah that scene in a Christmas tale is definitely one that has stuck with me even though it's been almost a decade since I saw it. Probably worth rewatching at this point.

Anyone else go hot and cold on Desplechin? I remember loving A Christmas Tale back when it was in theaters, later catching up on Kings and Queens and, for the most part, enjoying it and finding half to two-thirds of My Golden Days utterly grating (almost as if he was parodying himself and French romantic cinema as a

Yeah I'll go ahead and second both of those things. Indifferent to OLLA
As for Dead Man…I can't really elaborate on it much as it has been years since I have seen it but it remains one of my most hated films ever. Definitely strongly needs a rewatch. And, mind you, Jarmusch is one of my favorite filmmakers of all

Seconded. Cohen has been my favorite musical artist since I first discovered him in early high school. Hell my college application essay was all about him and his influence.

Yesterday we lost one of the world's greatest filmmakers. Maybe the greatest.

The Mole has always been one of those things I loved out of all rational proportion and would constantly force on most any new friends I made. I went so far as to purchase many years ago the British and Australian versions of the show (the 2 British series being quite good if not a lot more languidly paced).

I love My Aim Is True and Armed Forced and I have grown to like This Years Model a lot but Get Happy!! and Trust never quite clicked for me in the same way those other 3 did (though that certainly doesn't mean they are anything close to bad albums).
Imperial Bedrooms, King of America, and Blood & Chocolate are all

Huh. There are so many different stories up in the air right now - Rothstein's fall, Capone finally gaining power, the last 2 or 3 seasons of very enjoyable filler that has been Van Alden's storyline - that they seem to have started really getting to. It really seemed like they were planning a lot more than just 1

I don't know if anyone mentioned it already but the excellent Russian war film The Ascent is probably the coldest (and most exhausted) I have ever felt watching a film.

Out of curiosity how do these film critics associations work? As in is there really no way to bar him from going to these things? Not for his ridiculous views but continuously actively insulting the award recipients? I suppose it gets them some press but you'd think certain celebrities would slowly stop going to it if

God how I loved that show…I really have nothing constructive to add whatsoever just wanted to say that.

Thanks a lot! I think I have a better sense of it now. I'll definitely give this series a try when I have a bit of free time.

This show looks quite wonderful but I really hate anything frightening - in the vain of horror that is. I don't care if things are in any way somewhat suspenseful or psychologically disturbing (I have no problems with anything on Breaking Bad, for example, I am a big fan of the film Happiness and when a friend years

I loved that Small Town Security aired right after Breaking Bad last summer. It is fascinating to watch AMC's transition from trying to be a great network to ehh fuck it. It's like when TLC because…whatever the hell TLC is now except I actually watch 2 shows on AMC so I'm witnessing the transformation instead of just

And yet they still deny us the Perfect Couples reunion we are all so desperately clamoring for!

And yet they still deny us the Perfect Couples reunion we are all so desperately clamoring for!

This has absolutely nothing to do with Parks and Rec - it's the only way Offerman can keep the Mullally from attacking!

This has absolutely nothing to do with Parks and Rec - it's the only way Offerman can keep the Mullally from attacking!

Awwww, now I feel bad too. This has reached an interesting stalemate. Let's make up by watching the 50 best films of the 90s together. This shall be the start of a beautiful friendship!