
Awwww, now I feel bad too. This has reached an interesting stalemate. Let's make up by watching the 50 best films of the 90s together. This shall be the start of a beautiful friendship!

Granted I was 6 when this decade ended and I've seen 23…that's right I just wanted to brag and make you feel bad *shrugs and walks away*

Granted I was 6 when this decade ended and I've seen 23…that's right I just wanted to brag and make you feel bad *shrugs and walks away*

The only reason I clicked on this article was because I hoped the picture would be of Mike playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. Don't disappoint me again O'Neal!

The only reason I clicked on this article was because I hoped the picture would be of Mike playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. Don't disappoint me again O'Neal!

I had a similar Swine Flu codeine-coated experience only not with Breaking Bad but rather with Treme. It is such an unstructured show to begin with but couple that with some drugs, a high fever and all that music and…yeah that is an experience I will not forget. Not that I remember all of it. Steve Earle still haunts

I had a similar Swine Flu codeine-coated experience only not with Breaking Bad but rather with Treme. It is such an unstructured show to begin with but couple that with some drugs, a high fever and all that music and…yeah that is an experience I will not forget. Not that I remember all of it. Steve Earle still haunts

That is exactly what I was going to write, Aurora. Thank you good sir.

That is exactly what I was going to write, Aurora. Thank you good sir.

There better be a Richardson somewhere on this site!

There better be a Richardson somewhere on this site!

Am I the only one who finds it significantly more unbelievable that somebody didn't punch Nick Kroll?

Am I the only one who finds it significantly more unbelievable that somebody didn't punch Nick Kroll?

After being away from the world wide webs for about 2 weeks this was the perfect reintroduction. *tears up* I missed you internet.

After being away from the world wide webs for about 2 weeks this was the perfect reintroduction. *tears up* I missed you internet.

It is great to see that we can still find one or two truly great directors in Russia - god knows the cinematic output after the fall of the USSR has been paltry at best. Elena is a fascinating film by, probably, the best Russian filmmaker currently working (which isn't all too much of a statement I grant).

I agree. While certainly the weakest film of the three and probably tapping the Tarkovsky well a bit too much, it still certainly has some absolutely breathtaking sequences, at least a couple interesting ideas, and a terrific lead performance (played by Konstantin Lavronenko, the father in The Return).