
Not bad for the first of the season.

Yeah, who the fuck cares about a season-long story arc on Seinfeld?

I'm guessing a HIMYM recap would be a little easier to write than one The Wire.

I hear Arrested Development is looking for a new network…

I preferred him in Planet of the Apes. Not this new one that people supposedly kind of liked, but the real good one with Mark Wahlberg

Hey smart guy, what the fuck does "TV-esque" even mean?

Don't tell that to Newt Gingrich.

This is a shocking response. When I was reading this, I was thinking "Man, it's nice to read a review where the person genuinely likes the show." (Not that Donna doesn't, I just mean generally.)

I get what you're going for here, but aside from the whining early in the series, Walt is in no way like Luke.

I don't really care about the grades, but I still let out a Sheila Broflovski-like "what, what, WHAT?!" when I saw that A-.

Agreed. It didn't have much to do with what Hank would find, more to do with avoiding the Wrath of Gus for bringing Hank to the site of the lab.

That would be outstanding.

I think Elaine just got out of the early 90s and thus looked hotter.

Did she have work done? I think she just gained a bunch of baby weight.

And I think Newman has other friends. Remember in the one with the fat-free yogurt where he's there yucking it up with all his postmen buddies? And how Whatley gives him a ticket to the Super Bowl? After all, he is merry.

I think the exact thing Rob said to Coach was "You're a little man," and Coach meekly sat back down. That might be my favorite moment in Survivor history.

Excellent point about murdering mediocre shows. I don't mind laugh tracks for shows like Seinfeld where I'm laughing all the time anyway. But for a show like The Big Bang Theory, which is kinda funny on occasion, the uproarious laughter from the audience ruins the whole thing. It just makes you think, "this isn't THAT

Yeah, All That and Keenan and Kel were my favorites, but they're pretty brutal watching now. I always wondered why Kel Mitchell never did anything (besides Mystery Men, I think?), but now it's painfully obvious.

This is going to be stuck in my head the rest of the day. Damn you, jerkheadface.

Jerry, you gotta get me another picture of man-hands so I can get back into the forbidden city!