
Glad you put that part in bold so I can ignore the rest of this unnecessarily long comment.

Me too. I'm glad Damon's going to stop apologizing for it.

Just don't wait too long. I  tried to find the Lost Blu-Ray pack a couple years after it was release and couldn't find it anywhere for less than $300.

Totally agree. It's not a complete episode of television if it end in the middle of a scene. No regard for the episodic structure of TV at all.

I'm guessing this show isn't going to be popular enough for us to get "newbies" and "experts" versions and so we can avoid spoilers in the comments.

Dude's been on a rampage bashing it today. I'm gonna guess no. I'm guessing he sees too much of himself in Glen.

This might be my favorite comment of the year.

"It's a chip and dip!"

But did he say "hi"?

I think Reynold would talk himself into an Eddie vote being for the best player, not just because they were such tight bros. He and Eddie both had the "we were on the chopping block since the beginning" thing going on and I think Reynold has it in his head that it takes superior gameplay to survive in that situation.

@avclub-7a695e3e9350d6dfae244623a591f45a:disqus I guess you're always at risk of appearing too smart if you make a smart move. The key is to make the smart move that's the least showy as a smart move. If you think about this one too much, I think you end up in an endless loop of confusion. @JudgeReinhold:disqus 's

@avclub-080acdcce72c06873a773c4311c2e464:disqus I don't think it was Coach worship, more that he was star-struck. I feel like he spent a lot of time trying not to crack up, much like with Philite this year.

At some point, people are going to realize that giving that reward away makes your TOO good and they'll start keeping it for themselves. Some players would respect them for it know that they're thinking two steps ahead. I'd like to this group might have respected Brenda for it but who knows.

I'm with @JudgeReinhold:disqus . I honestly think Colby's move to take Tina instead of Keith is the worst/dumbest move in Survivor history. There's no other move where we know without any doubt that it cost a player a victory. I'm not saying he played the worst game ever - he got to the end, after all - but that's the

Tosh 2.0

@avclub-fdc210e25c7a92f3f1df16696893896a:disqus  But what about the plane wreckage on the beach?!

This is what Supernatural did. That first story was stellar but the few seasons that followed left me lukewarm (although I admit I dropped it from my rotation before this season started). Felt like it should have just ended after five seasons but if people like it enough, there's no reason not to do a bit of a reboot

This is what Supernatural did. That first story was stellar but the few seasons that followed left me lukewarm (although I admit I dropped it from my rotation before this season started). Felt like it should have just ended after five seasons but if people like it enough, there's no reason not to do a bit of a reboot

He's just reciting boilerplate realist nonsense. It's not worth the effort to respond in such a way.

He's just reciting boilerplate realist nonsense. It's not worth the effort to respond in such a way.